Friday, December 18, 2015

Stop Causing Hell On Earth And Grow Heaven Instead

Earth has nurtured life and evolution of cellular intelligence and productivity, nature’s hidden genetic potentials and genius to produce satisfying satisfaction enough for US for billions of years, yet a cash-driven few have conspired to crush life here in only 150 years of dirty dead energy carbon emissions that humans assumed they needed to power our cities….dirty human carbon emissions of the last 150 years, the last 35/40 years climbing to very dangerous and explosive levels that threaten the ability of life’s fragile but critical functions to function enough to survive and balance nature’s budgets enough for us to balance our own.

But those hidden but monstrous carbon molecules of carbon dioxide/CO2 and variants Cxyz_#($#@)$(&%*$)@( have accumulated for 150 years to levels that human history and earth have never seen before, threatening the ability of humans and life on earth to continue in positive terms, in any terms at all.

Those that masterminded the carbon emissions as a tool to fill privatized, immediate, egotistical bank accounts of only 1% have conspired for more than 150 years, especially the last 35 years of a cash-driven ExxonKochIncorporation of cash-driven lies to fill our airwaves with virtual illusion and mirage to deflect and crush any efforts, and to crush critical flows of information/critical resources that earth and humans need to control and reduce those deadly levels of Cx enough to keep earth livable in any terms (Hansen, 2007).

99.9859832809147#($*%#)@(*&% of real climate scientists who have written real peer reviewed scientific articles investigating the buildup of carbon levels of human carbon emissions in the last 150 years agree that  1) skyrocketing levels of carbon in earth’s atmosphere are causing earth’s atmosphere (and oceans) to heat to levels never before seen in human history (Lawrence, 2015) and that heating threatens the abilities of human cities and civilization to function and to survive on earth  and 2) human carbon emissions of our “Industrial Revolution” of the last 150 years has caused that heating that threatens human cities globally (Lawrence, 2015) and civilization to survive……and  that 3) humans need to keep the rate of heating to under 2 degrees Celsius/centigrade to keep earth livable (IPCC)….But James Hansen of NASA has warned that even a 2 degree C limit to heating would cause earth to become “uninhabitable”…..If Greenland melted, earth’s seas would rise about 20 feet…If Antarctica melted, seas would rise about 200 feet, drowning most coastal areas globally….so that the climate negotiators in Paris in December, 2015 at COP21 recommended and required that all parties require a 2 degrees C limit to temperature escalation (since the beginning of human’s Industrial Revolution more than 150 years ago)…but shoot for a 1.5 degree C limit.

Yet, Exxon knew more than 35/40 years ago that their carbon emissions (as CO2 + Cxqweri[oityiowpr#*$&#@_)#&* from Exxon and other cash-driven fossilized dead energy industries of by for private bank accounts of only 1%) would cause carbon levels and exponential heated and extreme consequences of global system disruption and chaos in our shared atmosphere/oceans/terrestrial lands to rise and cause heating enough to cause catastrophic disruptions of ancient earth systems of critical flows of inalienable uncountable air and water and living cellular organisms that all life on earth needs to survive, to balance nature’s budget of fragile but critical O2óCO2 and water as H2O and life as hidden genetic potentitials/genius impossible to count in mechanical rates of human cash registers that crush life and potentials for producing “life, liberty (from want and fear) and the pursuit of happiness” on earth.

1)   carbon molecule (as CO2 [and massive variations of Cxyzp2(%#@*$&@_%/hb) )(!@) ] buildup in our earth’s atmosphere has caused earth’s tiny atmosphere to become dirtier and hotter [and more much more destabilized as heated systems become more active and chaotic/chemistry], to heat to dangerous levels never before found in earth’s history of human history (or beyond)…..and that
2)   human carbon emissions of our 150 years of our human dependencies on artificial and carbon-powered machine-powered “Industrial Revolution” and urban sprawl
a.     [toxics and kinetic forces and hatred, division, strive, war of a cash-driven “military-industrial complex” of by for privatized cash profiteering of by for a force-driven, blinded, fossilized dead energy industry of by for an inbred cash-driven 1%]
b.     that crushes ironically fragile (but critical) productivity of fragile, rich topsoils that human cities need to grow postiives enough to fulfill basic critical needs of the many in our cities  and
c.      that crushes the abilities of absorbent green, native watersheds to produce critical flows enough to balance nature’s budget of living organisms on earth that humans need to produce enough to consume
d.     that crushes living organisms that consume critical but uncountable flows enough to produce enough critical flows to produce enough critical flows enough for all to consume, to share freely, to free all from want and fear in a free system of by for freedom from want and fear,
e.     holding our fragile web for all life intact,
f.      hidden but critical flows ironically hidden uncounted nurturing our human cities to grow upwards enough to survive and to prosper obvious or not, counted in cash or not
g.     human cities that die without the critical but uncounted flows of by for nature’s amazing productivity of tiny but critical, hidden but vital productivity potentials in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil that wants to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce abundant riches enough to count……plus also to produce enough critical but uncountable flows cycles exponential productivity enough to lift All 100% up to abundant positives enough to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams enough to grow a lasting legacy enough to label our a “human civilization” of by for civil government that can find abilities and will to build safe, affordable access of by for all 100% to a safe, affordable, supportive, essential Public Infrastructure Foundation of hope that All share enough to build enough to grow a vital legacy impossible to count in cash, in privatized human cashflow floods that crush life on earth][artificial cash and artificial carbon genies the currency of that 150 years (as opposed to real critical flows of by for life as the currency of life)] dependencies on carbon as Cx have caused that unprecedented buildup and heating, baking, drowning of earth’s atmosphere and earth that is also heating and acidifying our oceans, causing massive, regular, more and more intense and frequent catastrophic flooding, droughts, desertification, acidification of our oceans threatening the survival of shellfish and therefore the food chain system of the entire ocean and earth….global heating most severe in polar regions (4 degrees F ~   C) melting Arctic ice at dangerous rates and destabilizing Antarctica’s major ice shelves that if separated from the continent could cause sea levels to rise to deadly levels abruptly [drowning human cities on earth’s oceans abruptly]…..polar melting unleashing very ancient methane/CH4/NG/”natural gas” that is not when released into our atmosphere (because the dinosaurs need to stay in the ground)….methane/CH4/”natural gas” that is not much more deadly for causing climate catastrophes because CH4 seeks to react rapidly with O2, O=O that we breathe….and it also heats our atmosphere more than 20 to 100 times more powerfully than carbon dioxide/CO2 that has already baked and drowned earth too much causing much too much suffering.

But some just don’t get it and don’t seem to care….as long as their

Every living, biological cell on earth wants to reach up toward light of our sun to harvest energy enough to grow upwards and grow stabilitizing roots for security and produce abundant riches to count in obvious terms to produce uncountable, indivisible critical flows such as radiant energy, O2<=>CO2 flows cycles productivity far beyond the obvious, water flows, cycles, inalienable watersheds of by for H2O production, filtering, O2 cooling and rich organic topsoil and soil+maker communities that want to grow green riches enough to grow food and shelter and laughter, uncountable blessings enough to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute....generation to generation….

But some just don't get it and limit their counts to mechanical rates of obvious, artificial, private, shortsighted human cashflow floods that crush life on earth....egotistically limiting their private counts to their own privatized, deregulating, cost-shifting, immediate, obvious, imprisoning perceptions of thick, dense linear urban walls and barriers erected to keep one private self in and the other out....even to block critical flows from nature's amazing genius and generosity far beyond the obvious that human cities need to survive and thrive day to day and minute to minute....generation to generation out....crushing life on earth.

Ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life the least .....and the least critical the most, the most deadly stones, walls and barriers of war of by for only one bank account of 1% the most….crushing life.

Ironically, our human cash counts the most critical and hidden flow, O2 the least...breathable, photosynthetic, fragile, hidden oxygen as O2 the least …..even though humans die within minutes without O2...

Ironically, our human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, water as H2O the next least.....even though humans die within days without H2O...

Ironically, our human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, topsoil production the next least, rich, carbonated, organic topsoil production and icky soil+makers of life’s complex web of flows and producers the next least.....carbonated topsoil to grow green and to grow food enough to eat.....even though humans die within months without food.

But also ironically, human cash also counts the least critical stones the most, the  most deadly the most....bloody diamonds and gold, dirty dead energy and dirty wars and lies the most....even though cashflow floods of hatred, division, strife and war crush life on earth.

Have we forgotten what we’re counting?

Humans have used human cash systems as an important tool to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years….but thick, dense forces of urban walls and barriers also crush and destroy the fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves that want to reach up toward light of our sun that nurtures that self to grow upwards enough to produce abundant riches enough to count in obvious terms….plus to produce abundant critical flows, cycles, productivity squared enough for every living cell on earth to consume enough to produce and to produce enough to consume now and forever, nature’s genius lifing all 100% up to light of our sun, even a cash-driven 1%.

Our word root, "eco-" as in "eco+nomic" as in name and number...and as in "eco+logic" as in logic, intelligent, log of mathematical significance and meaning means "house" or "oikos" in Greek (~ eco).....but not every house nurtures those within.

Some houses crush and destroy those within and their hidden but critical productivity.   Slave owners also crush productivity so that tyrants fail every time.

Humans need nature's hidden but critical genetic potentials, genius in every living cell on earth to produce abundant riches to count to produce critical but uncountable flows for life of by for every living cell on earth to filter enough, to consume enough to produce, to produce enough to consume.....enough to balance nature's budget enough so we can balance our own.....enough for nature's amazing producers to produce enough for human's consumptive cities to consume enough….enough to nurture our houses enough to grow nurturing homes instead to produce abundant positives to count enough….to fill in hungry voids of the negative enough to grow heaven on earth instead.

Humans need nature's amazing but hidden productivity of every living cell on earth to produce enough critical flows for human cities to consume enough to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.

But some just don't get it and assume erroneously that only dead human walls, barriers and artificial machines produce.  Wrong.

Perhaps as our nation grasped for the flashy glitz of cashflow floods and virtual illusion and mirage of shiny urban walls and barriers powered by our machines powered by dirty dead energy, we forgot that we need grounding on the rich, organic topsoil and abundant, green absorbent watersheds of by for life on earth that enabled us to evolve enough to build human cities.

Perhaps we need a more logical economy, an eco+logical economy of by for logic for our house that counts more than mechanical rates and empty numbers of machines crushing  life to divide US….and that counts logic for life also, logic reaching to discover hidden links between actions and outcomes….every action causing an outcome….positive actions causing positive actions slowly to lift all up to light enough to grow positives enough to prosper in peace now and generations from now forever….negative actions causing negative outcomes to suck all down into gravity, into negatives, costs, self-destruction easy, cheap, quick.  Tyrants fail every time.

We need to ask if our human machine-driven “economic” system limits our counts to mechcanical rates of human cash, crushing to divide to count and count to divide to conquer to crush the competition, the other, the diverse, the non+same…..not to share.

Life shares freely to survive and thrive, however.

How can life and logic survive if humans continue to crush our abilities and will to value the invaluable, the uncountable logic and hidden genetic productivity potentials, genius of life to grow positives, to reach up far beyond the obvious enough to produce abundant riches enough to count….and also to produce abundant but uncountable critical flows, cycles, productivity exponential enough to lift all life up to light enough to laugh in any language or color?

Those that limit their counts to mechanical rates of only one privatized, immediate point of view of only one prefab set of boxes that cannot even imagine life’s infinity continue to crush life and logic on earth……crushing the ability of humans to survive their selves.

Can we produce a more logical economy before we crush our selves?

Can we honor and respect the critical but hidden genetic potentials and genius of amazing creativity that our human cities need in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, cell or self or nation or globe to reach up toward light of our sun to harvest nature’s gifts to us enough to 1) stop causing hell on earth and 2) to grow heaven on earth instead, obvious or not to one private self, counted in private coins of one private self or not.

Count more than cash to value the invaluable, the uncountable, the priceless range of values far from the obvious impossible to count in human cash please.   We need a more logical economy that reaches far beyond the obvious enough to grow positives enough please to balance our budgets of any terms enough to survive and thrive, obvious to one self or not, counted in mechanical rates of human cash or not, human cash crushing positives, nature’s genetic genius lifting all up to light, nurturing us and all enough to thrive, counted in cash or not.

Count more than cash to value the invaluable uncountable….and value the invaluable enough to count more than cash, to leave the dinosaurs in the ground to stop causing hell on earth.  Thank you.   Your children thank you.

Every living cell on earth filters all critical flows of nature's amazing, divine generosity for free, freely, abundantly, exponentially growing upwards to produce enough to consume freely and to consume freely enough to produce freely enough to free US from want and fear….to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of the many, of by for All….even a cash-driven a Garden for Eden satisfied basic needs, wants, desires, dreams of Adam and Eve until they crushed the ability of that garden to produce enough….causing flooding, drought, desertification instead.

Noah understood that earth’s life’s hidden but critical genetic potenttials in every living cell, seed, seedling, self grew abundance and critical flows to keep life alive.

But some just don't get it and blindly limit their private and public counts to thick, dense, deadly walls, barriers and cashflow floods of only one private, short-sighted, blinding bank account of empty numbers that crush life on earth......a cash-driven 1% blocking safe, affordable access to critical flows, cycles, productivity of by for life on earth…..even for the private self, destroying the self  labeling the crushing erroneously, ironically as “profit” "business"...and "capitalism" and "development" and "economy" of by for mechanical rates of cash of only one private self of only one private bank account of only 1% now......destroying their own children's future, their own family's future, their own future stupidly.  

Real "free market capitalists" do not crush and destroy critical producers of by for productivity on earth….and do not cling to privatized force of the immediate to crush and destroy the real engine of life's productivity and real wealth, satisfying self-determination and fulfillment of basic critical needs wants desires dreams of by for All on earth…..even a blinded and deadly cash-driven 1%....  

Real eco+nomic capitalists remember what  they are counting in both name and number and nurture nations carefully, thoughtfully, more logically with genius, vision, wisdom and scientific literacy instead….to shape a more positive future for all… stop causing hell on earth and to grow heaven on earth instead.

I know we can balance our private, public, nature’s life’s budgets enough to keep nature productive enough…….to balance both nature’s budgtets and human budgets of the private and public selves….. between nature's amazing, infinite positive productivity of by for free critical flows cycles producticvity to lift all up to light.....and to minimize humans consumptive, destructive, costly dead walls and barriers and forces of the private/immediate/egotistical/blinded self of only one obvious now that blocks and crushes critical flows, cycles and productivity of by for life that we need to produce critical flows enough....enough to keep human cities alive day to day and  minute to minute....generation to generation…

Please…..It's time now to grow heaven on earth instead now and generations from now forever:

·      Leave the Dinosaurs in the Ground Now to Stop Causing Hell On Earth… 
·      Learn To Value The Uncountable Invaluables Of Economically, Efficiently Harvesting Free, Abundant, Cleaner, Healthier Energy of Free Abundant Flows of Light of Our Sun and Wind and Water Etc. That Can Easily Lift All Up to Positives Enough to Count More than In the Past and Forever If We Can
·      Count More Than Obsessive-Compulsive, Blinding, Cruel, Limiting, Consumptive Mechanical Artificial Rates of Human Cash of Only 1%, Empty Numbers Of By For Forces Of the Negative That Crush Life On Earth ….to Leave the Dinosaurs in the Ground….To Stop Causing Hell On Earth Now, to Stop Sucking All Down, even A Cash-driven 1% down Into Negatives of Hatred, Division, Strife, War of the Last Bloody Century
·      Reject Cash-Driven “Global Military Supremacy” as Outlined by the 2000 “Project for a New American Century” before 9/11, 9/11 an “excuse” to cause “unending war” … forces of by for seizing gas and oil, fossilized dead energy reserves in other nations, mostly Islamic nations……Signed by iconic Architects of Reagan-Bush-Cheney’s Attempts of the last century to Seize Total Control of Fossil Fuel Reserves around the Globe with Privatized and Cash-driven Forces of Hatred, Division, Strife, War to Crush Any Political or Economic Resistance to Totalitarian Crushing of Life and Other Cultures on Earth, Crushing Even their Own Children’s futures, their own futures stupidly….Bush’s grandfather Thyssen an architect of the cash-driven industrialization of the “military-industrial complex” of by for both WW1 and WWII…..even Hitler’s rise to power….
·      Value More than Cash-driven, Privatizing, Blinding, Terminal Forces of the Negative of “Global Military Supremacy
·      Question the omniscient lies of a cash-driven dead energy industry to tell us that we need deadly but glittery, hypnotic cashflow floods into privatized bank accounts of a dead energy industry of only lift the private self up to totalitarian comfort and convenience….and that a cash-driven 1% owns our god…that we need to crush any different from the same of by for “national security” to win…..To win what?  Have we forgotten what we’re counting?  Do we remember to count outcomes of our actions in addition to the rates?   Are the rates of our cashflow floods crushing us and our ability to produce meaningful/useful/critical outcomes enough to survive and thrive as living organisms on a living planet?   Or are we grasping for cash-driven bandaids that blind us to crush and destroy our selves?
·      Hold the Criminals Accountable to Help To Heal A Broken World that they Have Smashed….Needing Reach Far Beyond The Obvious/Privatized/Linear/Flat/Immediate/Urbanizing Walls and Barriers of Hate To Learn To Honor And Respect Nature’s Fragile Potentials Far Beyond the Obvious…to Enable Their Children to Learn to Reach Far Beyond the Obvious of Linear/Flat Urban Walls of Human Cities Enough to Discover Wonders of Nature Far Beyond the Obvious
·      Harvest Now A 100% Renewable Energy Renaissance Economy Of By For More Positive Efficiency & Productivity Instead To Lift All Up To More Positive Outcomes Of By For All 100% To Share More Freely Free From Want And Fear Now 100% Doable by 2030 (Jacobson, 2015)….
·      Grow and Protect and Nurture Nature’s Fragile But Hidden, Ingenious Green Absorbent Native Healthy Inalienable Uncountable Watersheds & Functionss and Logic to Produce Life’s Abundant But Uncountable Riches Enough to Absorb Carbon/Cx from our Atmosphere to Turn A Terrible $ Financial Liability into A Very Promising $ Financial Asset Enough Instead
·      Grow and Protect and Nurture Nature’s Ingenious But Hidden Green Absorbent Native Healthy Watersheds of Productive Positive Potentials to Activate Dying Water Cycles On Earth Inalieanble From Life’s Fragile But Critical, Uncountable O2ó CO2 Flows, Cycles, Productivity Of By for Animal Respiration ó Plant Photosynthesis On Earth That Has Made Evolution of by for Life On Earth for Billions of Years
·      Nurture Nature’s Fragile But Critical, Hidden But Powerful Genetic Potentials in Every Living Cell, Seed, Seedling, Soil, Self, Cell or Self or Nation or Globe to Produce Abundant Positive Outcomes Impossible to Count In Cash, To Grow Heaven On Earth Instead Now and Generations From Now Forever
·      Stop Blaming My God Erroneously for The Deadly Hell of Explosive Catastrophic Costs and Consequences Cruelly Caused By A Blinded and Stupid Cash-driven Dirty Dead-Energy Driven 1% That Have Crushed Life On Earth For More than 150 Years, A Cash-driven Privatizing, Deregulating, CostandRisk-Shifting For More than 35/40 Years Of by for More Private Rates of Human Cash of By For only 1% Causing Hell On Our Expense, A Blinded/Blinding Cash-driven 1% (Corporation-Driven “persons”) Crushing Even Their Own Children’s futures, Crushing Even Their Own Family’s Futures, Crushing Even Their Own Privatized Futures Stupidly, Paradoxically, Illogically..
·      Count More than Mechanical Artificial Privatized Rates of Human Cash into Privatized Accounts to Value the Uncountable Invaluable Impossible to Count In Human Rates of Cash of Empty Numbers That Crush Life On Earth
·      Employ Functional and Important Human Cash Systems As An Important Tool for Humans to Build Great Human Cities and Great Human Civilizations and Civil Government of a Rule Of Law Enough To Protect the Innocent Many Now and Generations From Now, to Balance Nature’s Productive Budget of Critical Flows Cycles Productivity Uncountable ….to Balance Humans’ Consumpmtive, Cash-driven, Crushing Budgets of Consumption of Privatied, Immediate, Obvious Walls, Barriers, Stones Enough….
·      Nurture And Value Life’s Hidden But Uncountable Wonders of Nature’s Hidden Genetic Potentials, Genius That Humans Need to Produce Enough Critical Flows Cycles Productivity Uncountable Of By For Nurturing Human Houses, Cell or Self or Family or Nation or Globe Enough to Grow Positives Enough To Consume Enough to Last Far Beyond the Obvious….to Survive Day to Day and Minute to MInte….to Grow Heaven On Earth For All 100% To Share Freely Enough to Survive and Thrive, Enough to Learn to Laugh With Wisdom Now and Generations from Now
·      Stop causing hell on earth
·      Grow heaven on earth instead, heaven impossible to count in mechanical rates of human cash
·      Free our selves, our many, our planet now from our selves

Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Cash-driven 0.0001% Try to InTimidate A Mighty 99% Of By For Cash-Driven Supremacy Of By For Only 1%: A pile of sticks at my doorstep

I know a fraud when I see it.A Tidy Bunch Of Sticks appeared on the doorstep of my family's home yesterday and several weeks ago before Thanksgiving.....and I thought of the "River of Styx" in Greek mythology, the "river of hate" (Wikipedia, styx, 2015).Should my family consider this as a threat endangering my family?The first time I found a tidy bunch of sticks in front of our door, my neighbor had her 2 year old helping in the yard, laughing, having fun mowing and raking fall leaves and probably sticks too..and jumping into the bouncy piles of leaves (and sticks) for I thought it was a present from our friends...and her son's jubilant spirit of helping us to trim their trees and sharing with us for fun, helping, caring, abundant positives.   I called law enforcement anyway beccause I knew the connotations of the words the "River of Styx" and know that meanings of things count.
The second time a tidy bunch of sticks appeared on my family's home's doorstep.....I thought that the sticks seemed more of a threat,  appearing more planned with sinister attempt at controlling me ....and my family with evil and cash-driven intents of negative symbols of hurt and hate...perhaps by those driven by hurt and hate, as a cash-driven GOP driven by hurt and hate driven to push others a dirty similarity with the cash-driven negative selves and broken souls of those that are trying to seize power from US illegitamately, privatizing, deregulating, taking to get pushing me down devaluing me... trying to crush push us down to lift a cash-driven 1% up onto our backs to push us down....assuming erroneously that privatized cash profiteering justifies all.But they are wrong, very, very wrong....wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically (as in name and number both), wrong eco+logically (as in logic and intelligent and log of mathematical significance of links between actions and outcomes, positive or negative, obvious or not, counted mechanically in human cash or not, crushing to push down or lifting to lift many up), wrong morally and often wrong legally.....while rewriting human books/electrons of human hilstory, human science, human law to sell the immoral of by for mechanical rates of human cash that crush life on earth cruelly.My sun returns every spring to lift all living cells up to light of my sun enough to empower all to produce abundant and critical flows, cycles, productivity enough to fill hungry voids of the negative enough to heal a broken, privatized, deregulated hell of hurt and hate and negatives sucking all down.My religion taught me that humans cause blessing or humans cause curse....every action causing an outcome....positive actions causing positive outcomes slowly....negative actions causing negatives to suck all down into gravity easy cheap quick.I know that cash-driven erroneous assumptions of fewer than 1% can suck all down into the negatives.....but that tiny living cells of by for growing living systems on earth produce enough critical but uncountable flows to consume and consume enough to produce enough to fill hungry negatives enough to turn negatives into positives.I know that a cash-driven 1% limit our counts to the immediate, privatized, obvious, cash-driven worlds that blind and destroy our abilities to reach far beyond the obvious enough to discover wonders of nature's productivity that can free the many from want and fear of hate.I hope that a cash-driven 1% or erroneous-assumptions of a cash-driven 1% can learn to reach far beyond the blinding obvious of erroneous worlds trapped in inflexible and hurtful walls, barriers, cookie cutter definitions and mindsets, attitudes, beliefs that crush and destroy the many erroneously, assuming erroneously that the private self needs to push the other down to lift the private self up.They are wrong, very, very wrong.Our Google search exposed the possibility of targeting ... in vague "religious" attempts (in a "religion" chat area) to try to push the other down to lift the torqued psyche of the River of Styx giver to try to push my family and I into hell that a cash-driven 1% are causing on earth.....blaming my god erroneously.For the last 2 weeks, I have written extensively on social media to expose the motives of cash-driven fossilized Exxon, Kochs and other cash-driven dead energy industries that have the motives and means and opportunities and ability to crush our ability to switch immediately from our addictions to a dead energy economy......and switch immediately to an uncountable 100% Renewable Energy Economy Efficiency Of By For Lifting All 100% up to light enough to grow heaven on earth instead.The evidence has become overwhelming that the cash-driven GOP has conspired to substitute torqued psyches of by for cashflow floods into GOP privatized accounts ....instead of reaching beyond the obvious to discover hidden links between human actions and outcomes, obvious or not, counted in cash or not....that might grow a better world.Erroneous assumptions and stupidity of the cash driven GOP are endangering the ability of America to 1) minimize deadly risks caused by carbon emissions and cruel idiots to prevent the negative outcomes that trigger desperate violence of hatred, division, strife, war of by for privatized cash profiteering of by fro only 1% ..... and 2) maximize hidden genetic potentials and productivity of by for growing more positive outcomes of by for All 100% to share forever, even with a cash-driven 1%....Stop the GOP now if the GOP continues to conspire to crush and destroy US, America.We need to redefine our word, 'economy" as more than mechanical rates of human cash that crush life on earth, ....and count + value also nature's free and unlimited flows that we can harvest freely enough to lift millions, billions up out of cash-driven poverty engineered to push the many down...and value the invaluable also to lift All 100% up to light enough to flourish, produce, harvest abundant riches freely that we can call heaven...Expose the efforts of cash-driven dead energy industries to block and crush safe, affordable access for all to safe, affordable, infinite, free, nourishing flows of by for life to lift all up to light enough to laugh...Stop the GOP's dead energy cash-driven from assassinating and crushing any voices or potentials of science and vision and wisdom and logic  that the GOP assumes might question the totalitarian domination of the many with cashflow floods crushing the many with cruel force.
The evidence has become overwhelming that a cash-driven GOP of a cash-driven National Rifle Association that drives the cash-driven GOP blindly would assume erroneously that the cash-driven NRA and cash-driven dead energy industries of a cash-driven GOP could block the efforts of scientists and public representatives from around the world at Paris at COP21 to lower carbon emissions enough to stop causing hell on earth....and to reduce Cx emissions to grow heaven instead.But some just don't get it and limit their counts to mechanical rates of human cashflow floods that crush logic easy, cheap, quick.Benjamin Franklin warned US that we need logic, vision, wisdom to find a safer course of by for all 100% to share freely now and genearations from now.My nation can not afford those that blind us to crush and destroy US, life and land and logic in America.Get out of the way, ExxonKochIncorporated.Leave the dinosaurs in the ground where they belong now.#SolarEnergyCouldPowerAllEnergyNeedsOnEarthTimes11000#SoWhyIsMyNationStillAddictedToDeadlyDeadEnergy‪#‎FreeUSFromOurDeadEnergyAddictionsNowToGrowHeavenOnEarthInstead‬‪#‎CountMoreThanMechanicalRatesOfCashToLearnToValueTheInvaluableOfByForLifeEnoughToLiftAllUpToLight‬#‎CountMoreThanMechanicalRatesOfCashToValueInvaluableToGrowHeavenOnEarthInsteadPleaseChildrenThankYou‬Thanks.
Your children thank you.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Paris COP21: All Hands on Deck Now: 100% Renewable Energy Renaissance Now to Grow Heaven on Earth Instead

All Hands on Deck Now:  100% Renewable Energy Renaissance Now to Grow Heaven on Earth Instead to lift the many up to positives...instead of pushing the many down into hell please.  Thanks.  Your children thank you.

Paris COP21:  Have the courage to protect your own children's future, your own future from US, from Exxon's cruel cashflow floods that are crushing us....and stand up for positive outcomes of by for All 100% now and generations from now, obvious or not, counted in human rates of cash, empty numbers or not.....cashflow floods that crush life and hope on earth....

#Go100Percent to Grow heaven on earth instead, obvious now or not, counted in private cash now or not, crushed or not to enable All 100% to reach up high for light of our sun and free flows of energy from our sun and wind to power a Renewable Energy Renaissance Now ASAP 100%  to lift All 100% up to positives enough to count in positive terms...even for a cash-driven 1% stuck in yesterday:

* Harvest Free 100% Renewable Energy Harvesting Now by 2030, 2050 the latest (100% doable)  to free the many, all lives, all living systems from the terror of the 6th extinction our carbon emissions are causing us, costing us, destroying us...
* Green our cities with safer, more affordable, smarter, more efficient, greener, cleaner, more productive transportation/water/building/habitat methods to harvest wasted energy +
* grow and protect absorbent green watersheds & water cycles of the whole, cell and self and globe inalienable to absorb carbon from our air where it does not belong, where it becomes a financial liability instead of a financial asset, as part of the soil that grows green forests that filter, cool, produce oxygen as O2, grow wood and clean up human messes with nature's ancient logic
* redefine our English word, "economy" as more than cash "currency" that crushes....and
* redefine "economy" also as critical flows uncountable inalienable, indivisible, hidden, undervalued that nurture and keep life and human cities alive and functional day to day and minute to minute, generation to generation enough to build and keep great human cities, civilizations, legacies enough to count....+
* keep dinosaurs in the ground at all costs because harvesting 100% free renewable energy now instead will grow heaven on earth instead...enough to lift millions, billions of lives and potentials up enough to flourish and produce abundance enough to lift all 100% up out of cash-driven "poverty" that kills creativity and productivity of millions and billions (crushing our economic numbers)...
* So free, abundant flows of energy will cause economic activity to explode into amazing, inspiring, positives of a global Economic Renaissance,  if we measure real positive outcomes instead of just rates of cash that crush productivity...enough to lift all 100% up to light....even a cash-driven 1%...enough to find abundant health, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" impossible to quantify or qualify in human rates of cash that crush life on earth.
* Let the Renewable Energy Renaissance begin now 100%!

All Hands on Deck Now:  100% Renewable Energy Renaissance Now to Grow Heaven on Earth Instead

Saturday, November 28, 2015




"100% Renewable-Powered World ‘Technically Feasible and Economically Viable’ by 2030"

Please Stop Causing Hell on Earth.
Why not?    

100% Renewables Now ...At Least By 2030 to Keep Earth Alive & Functional, Please....

Climate Action Now In Paris ASAP : 

Redefine "Economy" as More Than Cash 
Harvest Free Renewables Of By For 100% Renewable Energy to Lift All Up to Light
& Grow Greener, More Functional Watersheds 
to Grow Heaven On Earth by 2030!


Your Children & Family Thank You.


...."It's the economy, Stupid...."


By 2030! "100% Renewable-Powered World ‘Technically Feasible and Economically Viable’ by 2030" IRENA, 2015

November 28, 2015


Holly M. Berkowitz, BA, RHIT
40 Gallup Place
Iowa City, Iowa  52246

To Who Cares:

Re:  Whether or not...."100% Renewable-Powered World ‘Technically Feasible and Economically Viable’ by 2030” please.  Thanks.  Your Children/Family Thank You.

Dear Wonderers of the World,

This anti-climatic, so lowly-called “debate” is over….and it is now the time to act asap now immediately yesterday…. whether or not you know 100%, whether or not you can find your way through the rubble in Paris or through the thick walls erected in my US Congress….to stop humans causing hell on earth and stop blaming my god erroneously…and start to grow heaven now immediately to lift all up to light enough to prosper instead…even a cash-driven 1%....

The question is if you care enough:



"100% Renewable-Powered World ‘Technically Feasible and Economically Viable’ by 2030"

Please stop causing hell on earth now & Stop blaming my god for the mess we + Exxon made.

Why not?    

100% Renewables Now ...At Least By 2030 to Keep Earth & U.S.
Alive & Functional Now, Please....

!Climate Action Now In Paris ASAP!

Harvest Free Renewable Energy Of By For 100% Renewable World by 2030 to Lift All Up to Light, 

To Free All From Terror of Want and Fear….Even a Cash-driven 1%...

* Leave the Dinosaurs in the Ground Where They Belong…With A Carbon Neutral Tax Refunded to Those Who Care
*Exxon & the Cash-driven:  Stop Causing Hell On Earth Now & 
Help Your Own Children & Family to Pick Up & Clean Up the Messes We Have Made Together for the Last 35 years, the last 150 years...
* Redefine Our Word, "Economy" as More Than Mechanical Rates of Human Cash that Crush US & Life….
and learn Word Roots, “Eco-“ as in “eco+nomic” and “eco+logic” that means “house” 
or “oikos” in Greek (~eco)…..
But not every house nurtures those within, cell or self or globe inalienable.  
Some houses crush and destroy those within.  
We can’t afford that..….
We Need Nature’s Amazing but Hidden Genius to Grow Critical Flows for Life Enough to Nourish & Nurture US now & in our future….& 
* Also to Value the Invaluable Uncountable Hidden but Critical Flows & Productivity Impossible to Count in Mechanical Rates of Human Cash 
Mechanical Rates of Cash that Crush Life on Earth, 
* to Learn to Value the Invaluable, Critical, Uncountable, Priceless, Ironically Undervalued Flows of by for Life to Grow 
Our human cash system counting the most critical flows for life the least…and the least critical the most, the most deadly the most stupidly…..
Crushing life on earth….
the Critical but Hidden Flows, Cycles, Productivity of by for Life to Consume Enough to Produce, 
to Produce Enough to Consume to cycle Now and Generations from Now so we can
Balance Nature’s Budget So We Can Balance Our Own Of Cash…..
Enough to Value the Invaluable, the Undercounted, Uncounted, Inalienable, the Indivisible of by for Life to Lift All Up to Light
to Activate & Inspire Nature’s Fragile but Critical, Hidden Genetic Potentials, Genius, 
Infinitely Intricate & Vast Flows & Cycles & Productivity of by for Lifting All Up…
to Fill in Hungry Voids of the Negative…to Hold Our Fragile Web For All Life Intact….to
 Lift Life Up Enough of by for Every Living Cell, Seed, Seedling, Soil, Self to Reach Up toward Light of Our Sun 
enough to Produce Enough, Enough Impossible to Count in Cash Coins of Human Cities of Walls that Block Critical Flows…
enough to produce enough ….
1) abundant riches to count +
 2) critical flows of by for life uncountable O2, H2O, Topsoil, green to grow food and shelter 
to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute….generation to generation and more….

* Harvest Free Renewable Energy Of By For 100% Renewable World by 2030 to Lift All Up to Light, To Free All From Terror of Want and Fear….Even a Cash-driven 1%...
* Grow Greener, More Functional, Absorbent, Productive, Integrating, Satisfying Watersheds to
 * Absorb Carbon as Cx with Phytoremediation to Turn Financial Liabilities into Financial Assets, Obvious or Not, Counted in Rates of Cash or Not…&
* Grow Heaven On Earth Instead by 2030 to Lift All Up to Light Enough to Laugh Now and Generations From Now,
Obvious or not, counted in mechanical rates of cash or not….

It’s not hard if we care.


Your Children & Family Thank You.


It's Eco+Nomic+Logical, Stupid


Friday, May 15, 2015

Leave the dinosaurs and lies in the ground.....and harvest free energy from our sun and wind now please thanks

Time for Action: Iowa Climate Statement 2015

Iowa Climate Statement 2015: Time for Action
Over the past four years, researchers and educators at nearly every college and university in Iowa have produced annual statements to communicate in plain language the state of climate science and the impacts of climate change on Iowans. This process has been open to all of our state’s academic climate experts to ensure that our statements are factual. Climate change has been measured, and the integrity of the measurements has been accepted through review by thousands of scientists worldwide.
The upcoming Iowa caucuses provide Iowans with a unique opportunity to bring their questions into the national conversation about climate change. As presidential candidates come to our state to ask Iowans for their votes, we feel it is important to know how candidates use science to inform decisions. Therefore, we hope that all candidates will be asked and will answer at least the following question:
Iowa farmers and communities are already adapting to climate change, and 188 researchers and scientists at 39 Iowa colleges and universities have signed a statement warning that its effects are expected to get worse. What polices do you support to address this critical issue?
In support of this question, we share the following information:
  •   Humans are adding heattrapping gases to the atmosphere. These gases are a major contributor to climate change.
  •   Climate change is already having significant effects on Iowans economically, socially, and psychologically, and these impacts are expected to intensify.
  •   As the climate warms, evaporation increases. During dry periods with little rain, increased evaporation makes dry soils even drier, while during wet periods it adds even more moisture to the atmosphere. In these ways, climate change may strengthen both droughts and floods. The recent sequence of extreme rainfall years—flood events in 2008, 2010, and 2014 interrupted by the drought of 2012—illustrates the Iowa impacts from enhanced evaporation. The emergence of years with both drought and flood, as in 2011 and 2013, is concerning.
  •   There is clear evidence that the frequency of intense rain has increased in Iowa over the past 50 years.
  •   Natural systems are responding to the increase in the global average temperature. The northward
    expansion of species formerly restricted by a colder climate could disrupt natural ecosystems and
    introduce new agricultural pests and diseases.
  •   The changes are also expected to lead to negative health effects for Iowans, including the direct impacts
    of flooding, stresses on the heart and lungs, allergens that are more abundant and have a longer season,
    and the spread of diseases carried by organisms like mosquitoes and ticks.
  •   If greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase, agriculture, human health, and economic stability will
    be affected in new and dramatic ways.
  •   There are policies and practices that, if implemented, would help Iowans adapt to climate change in the
    short term and avoid unmanageable consequences in the long term.
    We recognize the important responsibility Iowans have in the process of vetting presidential candidates, and we encourage all Iowans to demand that political leaders ground their decisions in sound, peerreviewed science and ask them what specific policies they will advocate to address climate change in Iowa.
Signed by
David CourardHauri
Associate Professor
Director, Environmental Science and Policy Program
Drake University

Chris Anderson
Research Assistant Professor Assistant Director, ISU Climate Science Program
Iowa State University
David Osterberg
Clinical Professor
Occupational & Environmental Health, College of Public Health
University of Iowa

Jerald Schnoor
Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research University of Iowa
Gene Takle
Director, ISU Climate Science Program Professor of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences
Department of Agronomy
Iowa State University

Yogesh Shah
Associate Dean
Department of Global Health Des Moines University
May 2015
Peter S. Thorne
Professor and Head
Occupational & Environmental Health, Director, Environmental Health Sciences Research Ctr, College of Public Health University of Iowa

Neil Bernstein
Chair, Department of Natural and Applied Sciences
Mount Mercy University

Matt Abbott
Biology Professor
Des Moines Area Community College

Marc P. Armstrong
Professor and CLAS Collegiate Fellow Department of Geography and Sustainability Sciences
University of Iowa

Mark Aronson Department of Biology Scott Community College
Neil C. Aschliman Assistant Professor Biology Department St. Ambrose University
Richard G. Baker
Professor Emeritus
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Iowa

Paul E. Bartelt Professor and Chair Department of Biology Waldorf College
William D. Beavis
Professor of Agronomy
Department of Agronomy and Plant Sciences Institute
Iowa State University

Philip W. Becraft
Professor of Genetics & Agronomy Genetic, Development and Cell Biology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Iowa State University

Russ Benedict
Professor of Biology
Director of Prairies for Agriculture Project Central College

Peter Berendzen
Associate Professor Department of Biology University of Northern Iowa

Bryson Bergerud
Biotechnology Coordinator
Iowa Central Community College
Greg Carmichael
Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research University of Iowa

E. Arthur Bettis III
Academic Coordinator, Environmental Sciences Program, Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Iowa

Ryan Bezy
Assistant Professor of Biology
Dept. of Natural & Applied Sciences Mount Mercy University

Diane Birt
Distinguished Professor
Food Science and Human Nutrition College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and College of Human Sciences
Iowa State University

Gail A. Bishop
Professor of Microbiology & Internal Medicine, Director, Center for Immunology & Immune
Based Diseases Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
University of Iowa

Andrea Bixler Associate Professor Department of Biology Clarke University
Amy Blair
Associate Professor Department of Biology St. Ambrose University

Garry R. Buettner
Free Radical and Radiation Biology Department of Radiation Oncology College of Medicine
University of Iowa

Anya Butt
Associate Professor of Biology Environmental Studies Program Central College

Beth E. Caissie
Assistant Professor Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Iowa State University

David G. Campbell
Professor of Biology and
Chair of Environmental Studies Department of Biology Grinnell College
David A. Swenson Associate Scientist Department of Economics Iowa State University
Ryan Carnahan
Associate Professor Department of Epidemiology College of Public Health University of Iowa

James Cheaney
Associate Professor of Biology Department of Science & Mathematics Ellsworth Community College

Silvia Cianzio
Department of Agronomy Iowa State University

Russell Ciochon
Director of Museum Studies Professor and Associate Chair Department of Anthropology University of Iowa

Ronald J. Cisar
Assistant Professor
Biological Sciences
Iowa Western Community College

Elizabeth Collins
Science Instructor
Science Department
Iowa Central Community College

John Collins
Sustainable Living Department Maharishi University of Management

Alejandro Comellas
Assistant Professor
Department of Internal Medicine Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa

Charles Connerly
Professor and Director
School of Urban and Regional Planning University of Iowa

James L. Cornette
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Iowa State University

Mary Kathryn Cowles
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
University of Iowa
Iowa Climate Statement 2015: Time for Action
Endorser affiliations are for identification purposes only and do not reflect the views of their academic institutions.
May 2015 2
Travis Cox
Director, Undergraduate Sustainable Living Program, Assistant Professor, Sustainable Living Department Maharishi University of Management
Richard Cruse
Professor and Director of the Iowa Water Center
Department of Agronomy
Iowa State University

Dennis Dahms
Quaternary Geochronology & Stratigraphy, Department of Geography University of Northern Iowa

Radford Davis
Associate Professor of Public Health Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State University

Thomas A. Davis
Professor of Biology
Division of Molecular and Life Sciences Loras College

John Dawson
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Science Kirkwood Community College

Robert L. De Haan
Chair, Department of Environmental Studies
Professor of Biology
Dordt College

Diane Debinski
Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Iowa State University

Rhawn Denniston
Department of Geology
Chair, Environmental Studies Program Cornell College

Gary Donnermeyer
Biology Professor Emeritus Kirkwood Community College

Dale Easley
Professor of Geology
Department of Natural and Applied Sciences
University of Dubuque

Julie Ehresmann
Advanced Instructor, Science Science Department
Iowa Central Community College
Kenneth Elgersma
Assistant Professor Department of Biology University of Northern Iowa

Kamyar Enshayan
Center for Energy & Environmental Education
University of Northern Iowa

Barry Ferm
Laboratory Coordinator Chemistry Department St. Ambrose University

R. William Field
Occupational & Environmental Health, Department of Epidemiology,
College of Public Health
University of Iowa

Brittany Flokstra
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Northern Iowa

Andrew A. Forbes
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Academic Co
Coordinator, Environmental Sciences Program
University of Iowa
Johanna Foster
Associate Professor of Biology Biology Department Wartburg College

Laurence Fuortes
Occupational and Environmental Health, College of Public Health
University of Iowa

Laurie Furlong Professor
Biology Department Northwestern College

Lonnie Gamble
Sustainable Living Department Maharishi University of Management

Stratis Giannakouros
Assistant Director, Center for Sustainable Communities
Environmental Studies
Luther College

Jack Gittinger Professor
Science Education Simpson College
Charles E. Glatz
Chemical and Biological Engineering Iowa State University

Jenny Gernhart
Instructor, Science
Iowa Central Community College

Fredric Gerr
Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, College of Public Health
University of Iowa

Vicki F. Grassian
Wendell F. Miller Professor Departments of Chemistry & Chemical and Biochemical Engineering University of Iowa

David Grewell
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
Iowa State University

Bill Gutowski
Professor of Meteorology Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Iowa State University

Bill Harwood
Professor of Chemistry University of Northern Iowa

Mary Mincer Hansen
Adjunct Associate Professor College of Health Sciences and Global Health Department Des Moines University

Emily Heaton
Assistant Professor Biomass Crop Production Department of Agronomy Iowa State University

John R. Helms
Assistant Professor of Chemistry Biology and Chemistry Department Morningside College

Steve Hendrix
Professor, Department of Biology Director of Academics and Research, Iowa Lakeside Laboratory
University of Iowa

Brian Hornbuckle
Associate Professor
Department of Agronomy, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences
Iowa State University
Iowa Climate Statement 2015: Time for Action
Endorser affiliations are for identification purposes only and do not reflect the views of their academic institutions. May 2015 3
Keri C. Hornbuckle
Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Associate Dean for Academic Programs, College of Engineering
University of Iowa

Stephen Howell
Plant Sciences Institute
Department of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology
Iowa State University

Mohammad Iqbal
Professor of Geology & Environmental Science
Department of Earth Science University of Northern Iowa

Erin Irish
Associate Professor of Biology University of Iowa

Laura Jackson
Director, Tallgrass Prairie Center Professor of Biology Department of Biology University of Northern Iowa

Samuel W. James
Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Biology University of Iowa

Brandi Janssen
Clinical Assistant Professor
Occupational and Environmental Health, College of Public Health
University of Iowa

John Jorstad
Science Instructor
Western Iowa Tech Community College

Craig Just
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Iowa

Kristopher J. Keuseman Assistant Professor of Chemistry Mount Mercy University
Frederick Kirschenmann
Distinguished Fellow
Department of Religion and Philosophy Iowa State University

Andrew Kitchen
Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology University of Iowa
Erwin Klaas
Professor Emeritus of Animal Ecology Natural Resources Ecology Management Iowa State University

Joel N. Kline
Professor of Medicine & Occupational and Environmental Health
Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa

Witold Krajewski
Director, Iowa Flood Center,
Rose & Joseph Summers Chair in Water Resources Engineering
University of Iowa

Dennis Lavrov
Associate Professor
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology,
Iowa State University

HansJoachim Lehmler
Associate Professor
Occupational and Environmental Health University of Iowa

Louis Licht
Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Iowa

Matt Liebman
Professor and H.A. Wallace Endowed Chair for Sustainable Agriculture Department of Agronomy
Iowa State University

Ronald Lindblom
Science Instructor, VESTA Coordinator, Outdoor Learning Lab Manager Northeast Iowa Community College

Marc Linderman
Associate Professor
Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences University of Iowa

Gabriele Ludewig
Occupational & Environmental Health University of Iowa

Charles F. Lynch
Department of Epidemiology College of Public Health University of Iowa

J. Elizabeth Maas
Math/Science Department Kirkwood Community College
Mark T. Madsen Professor
Department of Radiology University of Iowa

Amy MadsenSmith Biology Department Clinton Community College
Sunil Malapati
Associate Professor of Biochemistry Clarke University

Dave May
Department of Geography University of Northern Iowa

Paul Mayes
Professor of Biology
Retired Eastern Iowa Community College
M. Patrick McAdams
Emeritus Faculty
Division of Health and Life Science William Penn University

Katherine McCarville
Associate Professor of Geosciences School of Science and Mathematics Upper Iowa University

Paul B. McCray
Department of Pediatrics
Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa

David McCullough
Professor of Biology, Co
coordinator Environmental Science and Studies Wartburg College
Paulina Mena
Assistant Professor of Biology Central College

James Merchant
Professor Emeritus
Occupational and Environmental Health, College of Public Health
University of Iowa

Laura C. Merrick
Department of Agronomy Iowa State University

Tammy Mildenstein Department of Biology Cornell College
Kenneth J. Moore
Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor Department of Agronomy
Iowa State University
Iowa Climate Statement 2015: Time for Action
Endorser affiliations are for identification purposes only and do not reflect the views of their academic institutions. May 2015 4
Peter L. Moore
Adjunct Assistant Professor Natural Resources Ecology & Management
Iowa State University

Marian Muste
Research Engineer and Adjunct Professor IIHR
Hydroscience & Engineering University of Iowa
Connie Mutel
Senior Science Writer IIHR
Hydroscience & Engineering University of Iowa
Robert Mutel
Professor of Astronomy
Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Iowa

William M. Nauseef
Director, Inflammation Program Professor of Medicine and of Microbiology
Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
University of Iowa

Maurine Neiman Associate Professor Department of Biology University of Iowa
Marit NilsenHamilton
Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Iowa State University

Fred Ochs
Professor of Chemistry and Earth Science Kirkwood Community College

Steve L. O’Kane, Jr. Professor of Biology Department of Biology University of Northern Iowa
Resmiye Oral
Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Director, Child Protection Program University of Iowa Children's Hospital, Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa

Patrick T. O'Shaughnessy
Director, Heartland Center for Occupational Health and Safety Occupational & Environmental Health University of Iowa

Dale W. Olson
Professor of Physics Department of Physics University of Northern Iowa
Corrine PeekAsa
Professor, Associate Dean for Research, Occupational and Environmental Health, College of Public Health
University of Iowa

Maria Perez
Adjunct Instructor Department of Biology University of Northern Iowa

Reuben J. Peters
Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology
Iowa State University

Laura Peterson
Associate Professor
Environmental Studies Program and Department of Chemistry
Luther College

Gary Phillips
Environmental Studies Department Iowa Lakes Community College

Jeffrey T. Ploegstra
Assistant Professor of Biology Dordt College

Jim Raich
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology
Iowa State University

Mark Rasmussen
Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Iowa State University

Mark Reagan
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Iowa

Ryan Rehmeier
Associate Professor and Chair Department of Biology and Environmental Science Simpson College

Rachel Reimer
Associate Professor
Chairperson and Program Director Master of Public Health Program College of Health Sciences
Des Moines University

Peter Reilly
Anson Marston Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Engineering
Chemical and Biological Engineering Iowa State University
Michael Renner
Environmental Science and Policy Program
Drake University

Larry Robertson
Occupational & Environmental Health College of Public Health
University of Iowa

Jennifer G. Robinson
Professor, Departments of Epidemiology & Medicine, Director, Prevention Intervention Center,
College of Public Health
University of Iowa

Nilda E. Rodriguez
Assistant Professor of Biology Department of Biology University of Northern Iowa

Diane Rohlman
Associate Professor
Occupational & Environmental Health College of Public Health
University of Iowa

Thomas Rosburg
Department of Biology
Biodiversity Center and Herbarium Drake University
Amber D. RuskellLamer
Natural Sciences Instructor Department of Math and Sciences Southeastern Community College

Ann E. Russell
Adjunct Associate Professor Natural Resources Ecology & Management
Iowa State University

James B. Sacco
Assistant Professor
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Drake University

Melanie H. Sadeghpour Professor/Program Chair, Environmental Science
Des Moines Area Community College

Aliasger K. Salem
Professor and Head
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics
College of Pharmacy
University of Iowa

J. Michael Sallee
Biology Instructor
Southeastern Community College
Iowa Climate Statement 2015: Time for Action
Endorser affiliations are for identification purposes only and do not reflect the views of their academic institutions. May 2015 5

Paula Sanchini Professor
Department of Biology Coe College

Michelle Scherer
Professor and Chair
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Iowa

Lisa Schulte Moore
Associate Professor
Natural Resource Ecology & Management Iowa State University

Timothy M. Sesterhenn
Assistant Professor of Biology Department of Biology and Chemistry Morningside College

Paul M. Shand
Interim Head
Physics Department University of Northern Iowa

David A. Shealer
Associate Professor of Biology Loras College

William W. Simpkins Professor and Chair Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Iowa State University
Mindy Skarda
Biology Instructor
Math, Science and Health Department Southwestern Community College

Daryl Smith
Professor of Biology and Advocate Tallgrass Prairie Center
University of Northern Iowa

Tex A. Sordahl Professor of Biology Department of Biology Luther College
Scott Spak Assistant Professor Public Policy Center University of Iowa
Muhammad A. Spocter
Martin St. Clair
Department of Chemistry and Environmental Studies
Coe College
Charles Stanier
Associate Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Iowa

Bill Stigliani
Center for Energy & Environmental Education
University of Northern Iowa

Elizabeth A. Stone Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry University of Iowa
Monica R. Storm
Instructor, Biology, Anatomy & Physiology Biological & Chemical Sciences Dept.
Iowa Western Community College

Jim Stroh
Biology and Chemistry Department Morningside College

Robert Summerfelt
Professor Emeritus
Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management
Iowa State University

Keith S. Summerville
Professor, Environmental Science and Policy
Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Drake University

Geb Thomas
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Iowa

Richard L. Valentine
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Iowa

Kristina Walkup
Associate Professor
Des Moines Area Community College

Michael Walter
Associate Professor Department of Biology University of Northern Iowa

Alan D. Wanamaker Jr. Assistant Professor Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Emily O. Walsh
Associate Professor of Geology Cornell College

Anna J. Waterman
Assistant Professor
Department of Natural and Applied Sciences
Mount Mercy University

Larry Weber
Edwin B. Green Chair in Hydraulics Director, IIHR
Hydroscience and Engineering
University of Iowa

Paul Weihe
Associate Professor
Biology & Environmental Science Biology Department
Central College

Jerrold Weiss
Department of Internal Medicine,
The Inflammation Program, Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa

Michael D. Wichman Associate Director Environmental Health Division State Hygienic Laboratory University of Iowa
Darrell Wiens
Professor of Biology Department of Biology University of Northern Iowa

Sally L. Wilson
Biology & Agriculture
Iowa Valley Community College

Lee Wymore
Professor and Program Director Department of Science and Math Indian Hills Community College

Mark A. Young
Associate Professor Department of Chemistry University of Iowa

Catherine Zeman
Environmental Health Division University of Northern Iowa
Iowa Climate Statement 2015: Time for Action

Assistant Professor of Anatomy Department of Anatomy
Des Moines University
Iowa State University
Endorser affiliations are for identification purposes only and do not reflect the views of their academic institutions.
May 2015 6