Thursday, September 22, 2016

Nurture Nature to Keep Our Human Cities Alive Now and Generations from Now... Forever

Nurture Nature to Keep Our Human Cities Alive
Now and Generations from Now: 
A Poem Now

by Holly M. Berkowitz, BA, RHIT

Fact:  99.99% of peer reviewed scientists and the UN International Panel on Climate Change and the Paris COP21 agree (Powell, 2015) that ….
Fact 1) our climate is heating to dangerous, deadly levels and causing catastrophic/cataclysmic global heating and chaos of both climate and oceans, chaotic weather melting of ice around the world, more and more intensive and frequent extremist megastorms that crush and destroy entire public infrastructure foundations of entire cities and states and nations now, in Louisiana this year eight 500 year storms in just 2 years (OurChildrensTrust 2016)…causing polar regions to melt causing seas to rise, 20 feet if Greenland melts, about 200 feet if Antarctica melts, both melting rapidly as a snowball in June in America…..causing glaciers to melt rapidly, threatening millions, billions of persons and lives and lands with water scarcity, in both quantities and qualities, numbers and logic….
Fact 2) human carbon emissions of the last 150 (or more) of our fossil fuel powered “Industrial Revolution” and urban sprawl of addictive consumption and waste and desertification of once productive lands….and overpopulation…our cashflow floods of urbanization and industrialization, concrete, asphalt, heat islands crushing, trampling nature’s abilities to keep our lands productive enough to cool us…. have caused the biblical changes in our  earth’s climate and entire whole but fragile earth systems of critical but uncountable flows cycles logic productivity of air, water, topsoil, green, land, lives…..and, human carbon emissions of the last 150 years have caused carbon levels as CO2 levels and as Cxyzetcetera to rise to dangerous, catasrophic levels as a hockey stick on a timeline (Mann ) causing unprecedented catastrophic heating and destabilization of entire earth systems…that crush the ability of nature’s fragile but critical seeds, seedlings, soils to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce critical flows of air, O2, water H2O, topsoil, green, food, shelter enough for the many to consume, to consume enough to produce…causing desertificiation and climate chaos, super megastorms and entire earth systems unable to function successfully, unable to balance nature’s budget so we can balance our own….that threaten the ability of life on earth to survive….that has caused our Climate 911 and our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene, weapons of mass destruction….so we need a massive national mobilization to
1)   Leave the dinosarus in the ground…to reduce carbon emissions and
2)   Shift from a cash-driven fossil fuel dead energy economy now to a 
3)   100% Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance to
a.  slash operating costs for any system, living or not
b.  boost positive productivity exponentially
c.  harvest free, infinite supplies of free, infinite renewing energy, solar and wind inversely for a more reliable/stable/level output of clean, affordable safe, immediate, reliable, distributed energy that does not spill or explode or leak or ruin our days
d.  lift the many up to light for freedom from our addictions to deadly fossil fuel addictions
4)   increase ability of our lands to absorb climate carbon/a financial liability to convert costly climate carbon into safer, more affordable, more functional living carbon of trees/forests/wetlands to absorb/sequester climate carbon risks/costs and turn climate C into living C as an exponential financial asset instead to slash operating costs and boost positive/immediate/safe/affordable productivity of entire systems living and mechanical;
·                     Our cash-driven, human “Industrial Revolution” and urban sprawl, addictions to fossil fuels/C fuels to power our industries, cities, sprawl and nations and our gas-powered forms of transportation of the last 35 years, the last 150 years have caused climate carbon levels as CO2 and Cxyzetcetera to rise to dangerous levels
·                     heating our air/atmosphere/climate to levels that are causing catastrophpic/cataclysmic impacts that 
·                     threaten the ability of human cities and human civilizations to survive…
·                     carbon levels of human industrialization/urbanization in our earth’s climate measured as CO2 (CO2 and/or Cxyzetcetera of many brands) hitting 400 parts per million in 2013…for the first time in (human) history
·                     400 ppm of carbon as CO2 or Cxyz in our atmosphere threatening to cause more than a 2 degree rise in global climate temperature since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution more than 150 years ago….and more likely a 4 to 6 degree C rise or more if we continue “business as usual” and if climate deniers continue their siege of my US Congress….at our expense
·                     temperatures rising at a very rapid rate in the last 35 years of Reaganomics when Exxon knew that their carbon emissions would cause Climate 911 now, but chose not to prevent Climate 911…..but instead to conspire to profit privately for 35 years instead as in criminal racketeering and fraud, 
·                     The evidence overwhelming that Exxon and other cash-driven fossil fuel indudstries have been causing Climate 911 and our 6th Extinction on earth for the last 35 years, the last 150 eyars, 
·                     A cash-driven fossil fuel industry including Exxon and others conspiring to spend millions, billions of dollars to manufacture epic lies and distractions, smoke and mirrors to obstruct and block and crush critical public flows of critical public information/scientific findings/scientific literacy and to block/obstruct critical public flows of critical resources to prevent Climate 911 now and Our 6th Extinction/Our Own Anthropocene now…..Exxon et al InCorporated causing hell on earth today and tomorrow, crushing their own children’s future cruelly, their own nation’s future, their own private future stupidly...
·                     causing ice of the polar regions and glaciers globally to melt rapidly as in our back yard when termperatures hit 64 degrees F as they did last year in Antarctica… when temperatures were hotter in Alaska in winter/spring about 80 to 90 degrees F than they were in Iowa…and Inhoff expects his snowball to last through the summer in his yard?
·                     glaciers and poles globally melting rapidly, the most rapid melts in our polar regions where heating has hit more than 4 degrees C since the beginning of the Industrial refolution….and also from 
·                     glaciers critical for water supplies for billions of humans melting rapidly…..causing catastrophic flooding and destruction of infrastructure for millions, billions of persons….floooding in Bangladesh
·                     climate costs and consequdnces hitting the poorest nations/peoples the most…the ones least responsible for causing Climate 911….climate injustice causing many threats
·                     terrorism risks explode when America’s fossil fuel industry media hides the real reasons for huge migrations…such as from Syria that has had the worst drought in 900 years * * * * * 
·                     fossil fuel fools and profiteers manufacture massive lies to herd the many into warring camps to fight each other to fill private bank accoutns of war and fossil fuel profiteers at our expense……while crushing the abiliy of nature, life, land to heal a broken world….
·                     ice melting rapidly globally threatening survival of numerous species, critical links in our web for all life….
·                     global climate heating absorbed by our oceans causing global ocean heating at the rate of 4 atomic bombs per second…plus 
·                     global Climate CO2 and Cxyzetcetera concentrations absorbed by our oceans causing apocalyptic oceanic acidification, causing calcium carbonate shells of living creatures of our oceans to disintegrate, causing mass extinction of critical links of the web for all life in our oceans……entire coral reefs dying….
·                     Freshwater from Greenland’s rapid melting sitting on top of salt water of the ocean….blocking the Gulf Stream from the south that northern Atlantic nations need to supply those nations with the warmth they need to stay comfortable
·                     Rapid sea level rise, about 20 feet if Greenland were to melt….about 200 feet if Antarctica were to melt…..drowning major cities around the world, causing the end of much of “human civilization” because a cash-driven 1% valued their own private bank accounts for 35 years more than their own children’s survival
·                     Mass migrations from lands no longer able to produce enough to consume
·                     A massive “national security threat” to the US from nations and areas within the US no longer inhabitable
·                     Massive destruction of abilities of lands and earth systems able to produce enough for humans and life to consume enough to survive or to find any comfort, much of humanity thrown into desperate times of suffering….as a cash-driven few of only 1% want to control the masses to fill private bank accounts of by for only one priate self now…for tyrants to rule with pyramid schemes, scams, secrecy assuming erronsouly that the private self needs to to crush the many, to enslave the many to take from the many to get for the private self, to push the other down to lift the private self up, and that privatized cash profitedering justifies all….because cash-driven tyrants of by for artificial, cash-driven mechanical systems do not understand the amazing wonders of nature far beyond the obvious….and blocks and crushes access for the self and many to those critical and productive places…..crushing the ability of lands and lives to produce enough to consume, and to consume enough to produce…
·                     As population numbers of nations become greater and greater in time…now earth’s population more than about 7 billiion persons…..more and more need to trample earth’s soils more and more …..crushing the ability of earth to produce enough critical supplies even more….so that we need to green our cities with great innovation, imagination, empathy, creativity, genius to build/retrofit our cities to produce the critical flows of air O2 water H2O topsoil (composting), green and food and shelter to not only keep our cities alive….but also to nurture the many enough to produce positive productivity + critical flows cycles hidden geneit potentials of positive productivity enough to fill hungry voids enough to lift the many up to positives, to light….and to control rates of reproduction enough to stop overtrampling of our fragile watersheds to keep absorbent green watersheds absorbent enough to balance nature’s budget with our own
·                     abrupt climate change occurring because major earth systems shift radically rapidly to cause shockwaves through entire global systems, such as shifts of water from melts causing different weights on the earth’s crust, causing earthquakes
·                     super megastorms that repeatedly, regularly overwhelm the abilities of human cities to protect the many or to survive the impacts, that destroy the economic public infrastructure foundation that any city or nation needs to recover from cataclysmic events that are becoming normalized and ignored by us tragically
·                     rapid exponential extinctions of many of earth’s species and fragile ecosystems….as animals move into ecosystems toward the poles, incompatable with plant species that can not move as rapidly..  invasive/incompatible/unbalancing species…causing a “cascading effect” through fragile but critical living systems across the globe, crushing entire critical systems such as food chains for many species (ie salmon did not run in the NW in 2005)
·                     cash-driven fossil fuel fools of the “climate change deniers” gang of polluters that caused Climate 911 and our 6th Extinction have seized totalitarian control of my US Congress….including my US House “Science Committee” blocking abilities of America to act to stop Climate 911 or our 6th Extinction…..crushing democracy, crushing those resisting the deadly tarsands invasion of ND SD IA IL and other regions….and crushing those resisting the deadly fricken fracken invasion of America ……blocking critical flows of critical public information and critical public resources…..criminalizing those who stand up and speak out to protect and defend the ability of nature to produce enough to keep our human cities on earth alive day to day and minute to minute, damn it
·                     cash-driven tyrants of pyramid schemes, scams, secrecy, fossil fuel fools think they need to crush the many to seize totalitarian control of cashflow floods of a nation to feel in control….but tyrants fail every time…..becuase they need to crush the ability of nature to produce enough to consume, and crush the ability of life to consume enough to produce  to continue through time…enslaving many, crushing productivity of entire life systems, critical but hhidden living cells we need to thrive… tyrants fail every time
·                     Extremes of epic droughts (as in western US) and epic floods (Midwest, South, Northeast) cause destruction and erosion of fragile but critical vegetation and fragile topsoils and productivity, causing degradation of abilities for green photosynthesis and critical deep root structures for the plants and lifewebs to survive extremes….so that plants die, causing soils to become more vulnerable to erosion and toxicity, salination etc….so that plants can not grow…so the land becomes even more vulnerable to extremes until it becomes a desert, desertification…….But humans can reverse that process and nurse soils back to health with technicques such as cover crops and compsting etc.

Humans have used human cash systems as an important tool to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years.....
But mechanical, privatizing, short-sighted, blinding human cashflow floods of urban walls and barriers also crush and destroy the fragile but critical abilities of nature's living cells, inalienable, indivisible seeds, seedlings, soils to reach upwards toward light of our sun to produce riches to count...

I have discovered that the most critical and hidden flows of air, O2, water, H2O, topsoil, green seedlings produce the healing power to nurture life on earth….obvious or not, counted in human rates of human cash counts or not…

I have also discovered that humans need human cash systems to build great cities….but that human cashflow floods also crushes life and logic and laughter of the many, of uncountable but critcial living systems on earth that hold our fragile web for all life intact.
So when fossil fuel industries conspired more than 35 years ago, more than 150 years ago to fuel our “Industrial Revolution” and “voodoonomics” with deadly cashflow floods, humans have crushed the ability of nature, of life on earth to keep our human cities alive.

The evidence has become overwhelming that humans need human cash systems to build great human cities and great human civilizations….but that cashflow floods can easily crush the ability of tiny living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, wholes to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce abundant riches to count…plus to produce critical but uncountable flows, cycles, logic, synergy, productivity of positive productivity exponentially enough to fill in hungry voids of the negative and also to lift all up to light enough to grow, flourish, produce enough to consume….enough to consume enough to produce to call “economy”….
Cashflow floods also crush the ability of nature to produce critical but uncountable flows for nourishing, nurturing life, indivisible air cycles, water cycles, life cycles that make earth habitable, logic, productivity, divine patterns of air, O2, water, H2O, topsoil, green uncountable lands and lives, blessings to grow food and shelter for us to count and consume, to consume enough to produce….
to produce enough to consume now and generations from now...
to keep our human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.
But some just don't get it and limit their counts to mechanical rates of human cash that crush life on earth....
Every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole on earth wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce abundant riches to count...
plus to produce critical but hidden, uncountable flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius, logic, productivity of positive productivity enough to lift all up to light....
to fill in hungry voids of the negative enough to lift all up to light, 
obvious or not, counted in human rates of human cash or not.

Ironically Of By For Life

As a child, I wondered why my parents nurtured their children so without I learned much about our human cash system and discovered that our human cash system counts the most critical and hidden flows for life the least....and the least critical stones the most, the most deadly and obvious stones, structures, force and war of the negative the most.....cashflow floods crushing life and logic on earth, ironically, illogically.

I noticed that some parents asserted power over their children by forcing them to sit in the corner with punishment, negatives, a “time out”….meaning that the child learned that the parent was authority and that the child was a subset of that authority in a pyramid system.
My parents taught me discipline with the power of “natural consequences” and discovery of nature’s wonders so that I learned scientific literacy ….and that every action causes an outcome….positive actions causing positive outcomes slowly to lift all up to light….negative actions causing negative outcomes to suck all down easy, cheap, quick…..obvious or not, counted in human rates of cash or not.
I discovered through 60 years that cashflow floods of a cash-driven 1% can cause overwhelming negatives….such as Climate 911 and our 6th extinction.
My parents also taught me to clean up my own messes….and I know that if humans caused this climate mess….then humans can clean up this mess….if we employ nature’s amazing powers to help.   For example, a business start-up, Ecolotree profits from planting hybrid poplars in degraded ecologies to help corporations and others to meet Clean Water Act Standards and regulations….because green system of tiny living cells filter all flows and cycles of air, water, soil, green to clean and process molecules to renew life.
But few understand because glittery human cash counts the most obvious the most....
and nature's most critical living cells for life and productivity of by for life hide far from the obvious of our busy human cities.....cashflow floods crushing life and logic and productivity...
So human cities rise and fall.
So human civilizations rise and most humans mostly limit their counts to
private worlds of cash,
mechanical rates of private human cash that crush life on earth.....
cashflow floods limiting our counts to the 
privatizing worlds 
of ego+nomics
of by for thick, dense
walls and barriers that 
confine and control us electronically...
cashflow floods 
blinding us, our ability to reach out beyond the obvious now to discover public complexities of
vulnerable public worlds
civil worlds
longterm worlds
complex worlds 
difficult to manage
now and generations from now...
some choosing democracy of civil government,
some choosing tyranny of a cash-driven few….

And life’s fragile but critical web for all life links us
To infniteily intricate and vast 
Hidden genetic potentials in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system, cell or self or globe….
Enough to produce synergy
Productivity of positives enough to
Fill in hungry voids enough
To lift all up to light
To grow heaven on earth forever…

for many to discover nature's amazing wonders far from the obvious
infinitely intricate and vast, 
hidden genetic potentials, genius, logic hiding in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole wanting to reach up toward light of our sun to grow....
divine productivity of positives forever
to fill in hungry voids to
lift all up to light
life's fragile but critical web for all life 
connecting all
connecting the disconnected enough
to activate hidden genetic potentials to produce...
life, logic, love, laughter
impossible to count or even understand in human numbers ....
to discover freedom
from want and fear.

Few humans find safe, affordable opportunities or skills

To question

To wonder

To ask

To demand laws of moral reciprocity

Real accountability

Counting more than cash rates that crush to divide to count and count to divide to conquer to crush the competition, the other the diverse the nonsame, the non+self….not to share.

But life shares freely to survive and to thrive,
With a voice to challenge and expose those that crush us

to seek to reach far beyond the obvious enough
to discover nature's wonders far beyond the obvious
amazing patterns revealing mysteries of life impossible to imagine in human rates of cash…
in the infinitely intricate and vast worlds of life's logic and divine nature ...impossible to count in cash.....
vision and wisdom
abilities and will
nature's wonders that we need to learn scientific literacy enough
to guide the many more safely through an uncertain future,
through our destructive, bloody, 911 times.
But our leaders can help our children to escape enough to dream.
Ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life the least...
cash counting the most critical but  hidden flow for life, O2 the least,
cash counting O2 for animals the least....photosynthetic, green, critical but hidden oxygen as O2 of by for life as fragile double-bonded O=O....not toxic O*, not O3*, not CO, not CO2, not Cxyzetcetera in our air) ....
even though humans die within minutes without O2, critical O=O....
Ironically, our human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, water as H2O the next least....
even though humans die within days without H2O...
Ironically, our human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, topsoil production the next least....
cash counting rich organic, carbonated topsoil production, productivity and soil+makers the least,
rich organic topsoil to grow absorbent, green watersheds and food....
even though humans die within months without food to eat....
Illogically, human cash counts the least critical stones,
the most deadly stones, structures, forces, war the most....
crushing life and logic on earth, ironically labeled "economy".....
But many limit their counts to mechanical rates of human cash that put dinner on the table and roof over their heads to survive in urban walls.
Did Adam and Eve crush the ability of our earth, nature, life to grow heaven on earth?
So human cities rise and human cities fall....and few discover that human cashflow floods crush the ability of nature's seeds, seedlings, soils to reach up toward light of our sun enough to grow heaven on earth.
Instead, so many cling to erroneous assumptions ....
cashflow floods crushing the land and life that produce our food to eat, water to drink, air to breathe.  But so many don't notice....
The fragile but critical flows, cycles, logic, synergy, productivity of by for life and land to produce enough for us
divine productivity potentials to nourish and nurture us so hidden in our fragile web for all life....
that so many see only dollars for dinosaurs to consume...
Exxon and other fossil fuel industries knew more than 35 years ago
that fossil fuel carbon emissions would cause climate heating....
but chose to value private numbers of private bank accounts for their private selves instead,
crushing their own children's futures, their own nation's future, their own private future stupidly.....

We need America to act now to change our common course of history for US and our children for generations .....if we are "great" or “a leader” 
  • leave the dinosaurs in the ground, stop causing hell of negative consequences on shift now from a cash-driven dead energy economics of negatives, of cashflow floods that crush us 
  • leave cashflow floods in the safe….and nurture life with critical uncountable flows instead
  • develop a public economic system that balances mechanical rates of human cash systems that have built great human a public economic system that counts mechanical rates of human cash....but also that counts and values and protects and plants nature's fragile but critical economic capital of by for growing life on earth.....critical but uncountable flows, cycles, logic, synergy, productivity of living, positive outcomes to lift all up to balance nature's budget of positive productivity of by for life to balance our human budget of consumption of fossil fuels, walls and barriers satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of the many stuck in our cities: Nature produces critical flows for life, air O2, water H2O, topsoil, green far from the obvious, far from our cities....and those flows and cycles travel to the many in our cities....but humans erect thick walls and barriers to keep the other out and the private self in.....also keeping critical flows for life out
  • 100% Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance to free us from our deadly human cash system and deadly addictions to self-destructive systems...... to slash operating costs of any boost positive productivity and outcomes of continuous, divine positives fill in hungry voids of the grow heaven on earth instead....obvious or not, counted in cash or not...
  • leave the dinosaurs in the ground....,at all costs..., stop causing hell on earth
    • Ban tarsands invasions
    • Ban fricken fracken
    • Ban deadly infrastructure causing fossil fuel addictions
    • Harvest 100% Renewable Energy instead to slash operating costs, to boost positive productivity of by for lifting all up to positives....because
    • 100% Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance means that humans have found immediate access to safer, cleaner, more affordable, infinite, free supplies of high-quality energy.....and no longer need the dirty deadly costly searching extraction clean up transporting clean up processing clean up shipping clean up mess up market up dirty dead dinosaurs with lipstick during "peak oil" when dirty dead energy grows continuously more scarce and therefore more and more costly and dangerous to find, extract, ship, spill, process sandy oil, etc blah blah blah
    • Stop blaming my god for the Climate 911 and ClimateArmageddon and our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene of our addictions that Exxon and other cash-driven fossil fuel industry racketeers have caused for the last 35 years of voodoonomics
      • voodoonomics of cash-driven privatization of our public worlds, deregulation of our Rule of Law, cost-shifting, deadly risk-shifting onto the many unsuspecting, even their own children, nation, self stupidly...trickle-on economics and "supply-side economics" that's demand-side consumption addictions instead.....that assumes erroneously that the private self of the linear flat walls and barriers needs to take from the other to get for the private self, push the other down to lift the private self up, that privatized cash profiteering justifies all....because the cash-driven have crushed and destroyed our ability to find access to nature's amazing wonders of the divine....needing "divine rights of kings" to enslave the many unsuspecting our expense...causing hell of hatred, division, strife, war and climate911, our 6th extinction on earth....while blaming my god erroneously to fill private bank accounts of a cash-driven 1%.....obstrucing/blocking/crushing nature's productivity of critical public flows of critical public information/scientific literacy and critical public resources/public funding that we need to stop Climate 911 and our 6th if a cash-driven 1% are not part of US.  Treason?
    • green our cities.. to slash needs for dirty deadly dead fossil fuels and convert impermeable heat green, absorbent, productive, native watersheds of trees and deep roots to recharge dying aquifers, to activate dying air cycles, to activate dying water cycles, to activate dying life cycles on earth to grow heaven on earth again instead....
    • because we don't need no cash in heaven:  Humans invented our "human cash system" after Adam and Eve crushed the ability of Eden to produce the things they needed to consume to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams..
  • 100% Renewable Energy/Efficiency/Green Economic Renaissance 2050 100% Doable....80 to 100% RE by 2030 or before 100% Doable .....if the cash-driven fossil fuel industries will help their own children survive.....or get out of the way....
    • IRENA 2016
    • ETOM 2013
    • AWEA
    • Jacobson
    • Solar could satisfy all energy needs on earth x 11,000 (ETOM 2013)
    • Wind could satisfy all energy needs on earth x 10 (AWEA 2016)
    • Water and waves could also satisfy all energy needs on earth, waves x 5 (aquamarine 2016)
    • So why are we still addicted to deadly fossil fuels and urban sprawl?
    • Does privatized cash profiteering for only 1% justify all? Nope.
  • green our cities.. to slash needs for dirty deadly dead fossil fuels and convert impermeable heat green, absorbent, productive, native watersheds of trees and deep roots to recharge dying aquifers, to activate dying air cycles, to activate dying water cycles, to activate dying life cycles on earth to grow heaven on earth again instead....
    • convert impermeable heat islands of asphalt, concrete, glass, metal, toxics, hazardous waste to 
    • green, absorbent, productive watersheds instead to absorb climate carbon molecules enough to convert climate carbon as CO2 and Cxyzetcetera into living carbon….to turn a carbon financial liability into a financial asset instead….because green, absorbednt watersheds will absorb climate carbon of risks and hazards into living carbon of living organisms and living systems to sequester / absorb carbon from the climate to convert to a tool to reduce climate carbon levels in our atmosphere 
  • count more than stop causing hell on earth
    • I can cut an apple into 1000 pieces....but it is still linguistically, legally, logically only one apple....but no longer edible because it will rot faster because I wasted all that time, energy, money cutting it and my finger, money going to the doctor, frustration because I no longer have an apple to eat
    • A cash-driven 1% have conspired for more than 150 years to blind America and the many to limit our counts and values and religion to only private rates of private cash of a cash-driven fossil fuel industry only in private bank accounts  of only our expense
  • count more than mechanical rates of cash to value the invaluable of by for nurturing life, for producing productive, divine blessings to nurture and care for living systems, nonliving systems....enough to count in human rates of cash...enough for private selves to "profit" public infrastructure foundations need the many to share enough cashflow and life flows impossible to count in cash to build a safe, affordable foundation for any to stand on enough to "succeed" or "profit privately"
  • love life, light and laughter and value the invaluable, uncountable critical but hidden flows of by for life and nature, critical and inalienable air/water/lifecycles, diverse, healthy genetic potentials to grow productivity, positive outcomes, risk reduction, cost reduction that
  • 100% RE produces of by for life to grow heaven on earth
  • balance nature's budget of by for life's amazing productivity of critical flows to nurture us balance human budgets of human cashflow budgets that consume us now...
  • nurture nature enough for nature to nurture us enough to end our Climate 911 and 6th Extinction please.  Thanks.

Nurture Nature to Keep Our Human Cities Alive Now and Generations from Now... Forever




5 Human Impacts on the Environment: Crash Course Ecology #10