Tuesday, March 21, 2017

HELP! Think in more than boxes to free us from explosive fossil fuels invading US: #NoDAPL now!


DAPL TARSANDS is crushing life on earth of by for private, privatized, privatizing dollar$ into private, privatized, privatizing bank accounts of by for only one private privatized privatizing self of only one obvious now......not for our public nation.

The evidence has become overwhelming that America and Iowa ....ND, SD, IA, IL and other states do not need a dirty deadly tarsands invasion of tarsands, of  the DAPL......because Renewable Energy, Efficiency & Storage would easily satisfy all energy needs on earth:

Harvesting free, infinite solar energy would satisfy all energy needs on earth x 11,000 (ETOM 2013)...

Harvesting free, infinite wind energy would satisfy all energy needs on earth x 10 (AWEA 2015)...

Harvesting free, infinite water and wave energy, wave energy would satisfy all energy needs on earth x 5 (aquamarine power.com 2016)....

But the cash-driven fossil fuel industry of fools that seized totalitarian control of my "US Government" in Election 2016 wants tarsands and fricken fracken and dirty deadly drilling for fossil fuels to fill their private bank accounts of by for a fossil fuel industry of fools of by for fewer than only 1%.....at my expense, at my children's expense, at my nations' future expense, at expense of all living cells and organisms on earth.....the fossil fuel industry of by for Trump's Tillerson' Exxon and Putin conspiring to attack and invade America with deadly, toxic fossil fuel invasions, fossil fuel fools that have  caused Climate911, that have caused our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene....of by for filling private bank accounts of fossil fuel fools of by for only one obvious now.....at our expense, crushing even their own private futures stupidly.

Fossil fuel fool criminals are not very smart....conspiring to crush and destroy not only America's fragile but critical natural resources that we need to produce enough to "make America great" as nature's productivity has "made America great"....not the private, privatizing, deregulating, cost-shifting Trickleon economics or Reagan's "supply-side" economics that is consumption of cash driven instead.

Fossil fuel fools blind their selves and the many with magnificent Biblical Lies and Misinformation to block critical public access to critical public flows of critical public information, scientific literacy...to critical public resources that America has needed to prevent the Climate911 that Exxon et al have caused for the last 40 years.

#ExxonKnew that fossil fuel climate carbon emissions would cause "global warming" as their own scientists warned them more than 40 years ago.....Their own scientist(s) warned Exxon more than 40 years ago that fossil fuel industry combustion of fossil fuels would cause "global warming" to cause melting of polar regions, rising seas, mass migrations.

But Exxon and other fossil fuel fools chose to try to  hide that information from US with Biblical Lies, Misinformation and Virtual Illusion and Mirage of totalitarian comfort and convenience obsessions consuming us in cashflow floods that also crush and destroy us.....hypnotized by the glitter of false promises of deadly cashflow flows of by for fossil fuel fools of by for fewer than only 1%....at our expense crushing US.... to sell the immoral of by for privatized cash profiteering for fewer than only 1%....while causing our Climate911 and our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene crushing their  own children's/family's futures criminally, their own nation's future treasonously, their own private future stupidly.

We have our US Constitution, our Declaration of Independence and our Rule of Law and moral laws of reciprocity/our Ten Commandments and other wisdom of other religions such as Judaism and Islam to protect the innocent now and generations from now from a fossilized cabal of Cash-driven White House  terrorists that are looting America of by for a cash-driven fossil fuel industry of fools of by for filling private bank accounts of only one now of by for fewer than only 1%.....at our expense, crushing us.

Have they threatened/intimidated the US Army Corps of Engineers, of Scientists hopefully with death threats/other threats against their families to ram "the dirtiest (and deadliest) fuel on the planet" (McKibben, Rolling Stone,    )....crushing and poisoning some of the richest but most fragile agricultural topsoil on this planet.....a TARSANDS invasion meaning "game over" in earth's hopes to slow or stabilize or reverse the course of Climate911, our 6th Extinciion/Anathropocene that Exxon et al Incorporated have caused.....that Trump/Bush's Jerry Falwell call "Armageddon" the "Rapture" and the "Second Coming" for Trump's followers that limit their counts to Trump's lies and Falwell's Book of Revelations of so-called "Christian Evangelicals".....blaming my god erroneously.

My religion taught me that every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system/ecological economy grows upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce 1) abundant riches to count in human terms and numbers.....and also to grow and produce 2) critical but uncountable flows and cycles and positive productivity of light, energy/synergy, air cycles, o2, water cycles, h2o, rich organic topsoil and soil+makers production and positive productivity exponentially....to lift all up to light, to fill in hungry voids of the negative with positives enough to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of any living self....enough to lift all up to light and laughter.....obvious to one private cash-driven self now or not....counted in private cash numbers now or not.

This is nothing short of Treason.

Where is the investigation?

Where are the voices that helped shape our so-called "democracy" that is almost dead?

Their criminal actions of a $-driven fossil fuel industry of fools and traitors...including the Trump White House and Putin threaten life on earth with extinction, crushing the ability of nature to grow critical flows and cycles any need to survive day to day and minute to minute..   99.99% of peer reviewed scientists agree that human climate carbon emissions of the last 150 years of industrialization have caused "global warming" that has morphed into our Climate911, our own 6th Extinction/Anthropocene (meaning humans caused int) ......that causes melting polar regions, rapidly rising sea, more extreme and intense megastorms, crushing the ability of land and oceans to produce life, causing our 6th extinction/Anthropocene, skyrocketing healthcare costs and epidemics and extinction, mass migrations, global threats to health and safety of by for All...and more I cannot list here because I am very tired of raising my voice when my so-called "government"....er, cash-driven cabal  ignores my voice, crushing me and my family and life on earth instead.

That is the definition of "criminal" and "treason"....and the Trump/Tillerson/Exxon/Putin/Bannon White House have burned my US Constitution....shooting US with lies instead. Help!

McKibben & Hansen:   Tarsands are the "dirtiest fuel on the planet" and tarsands pipeline(s) mean "game over" in our fight against climate Armageddon....causing our Climate911, our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene and the cash-driven fossilized US White House, US Congress, US Judicial does not care about me, my family, my neighbors, my nation?


But  some just don't get it:   Exxon and "climate change deniers" value privatized cash profiteering more than their own children's future criminally, their own nation's future treasonously, their own private future stupidly.

How much did Trump & Exxon & Putin  et al Incorporated pay the US Army Corps of Engineers to attack America with a criminal tarsands invasion?

America has rights, responsibilities to stand up and speak up and fight to defend our own children from the US White House, US Congress, US Supreme Court, the hijacked US Army Corps of Engineers, the US militant vigilantes that North Dakota and counties have used to crush the rights and religion of Native Americans ....

Native Americans own their land more than Trump, Exxon, Putin.

I urge the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to complete an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) for the Dakota Access Pipeline. Pipelines all over the nation have leaked, burst, and had devastating spills that pollute streams, waterways and land that then threaten our water supply, our air supply, our life and land, nature's hidden genetic potentials, genius that All need to reach up toward light of our sun to grow  and produced 1) abundant riches to count in human terms of cash and worlds and 2) critical but uncountable flows and cycles and positive productivity of critical living wholes, cell or self or nation or globe.

Our word "nation" comes from the word "nature" that we need to nurture our nation, to produce enough critical but uncountable , inalienable, indivisible flows and cycles and whole living systems of by for light of our sun, energy/synergy, air cycles, o2 production to breathe, water cycles, h2o to drink, rich, organic topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity enough to grow green photosynthesis and red respiration of an ancient but threatened cycle as cash-driven human cities crush us.

Humans need nature to produce enough critical flows, cycles, positive productivity of light, energy/synergy, air cycles, o2 to breathe, water cycles, h2o to drink, rich organic topsoil and soil+maker production and exponential positive productivity lifting all up to light to grow green photosynthesis and red respiration to absorb deadly carbon and turn into living carbon that sucks icky climate carbon out of our climate exponentially.....to grow heaven on earth instead.

But some just don't get it ....and limit their counts and brains to mechanical rates of empty numbers that crush to divide to count...and that count to divide to conquer to crush the competition, the other, the diverse, the non+same, the heterogeneous......not to share.

But life shares freely to survive and to thrive.

Humans have used human cash systems as a tool to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years......but privatizing, deregulating, cost-shifting, deadly cashflow floods of a cash-driven blinded fossil fuel industry of fewer than only 1% crush and destroy the ability of any living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system to reach up toward light of our sun to produce enough critical but uncountable flows cycles productivity to keep our human cities alive day to day and minute to minute....generation to generation.

Trump and his cash-driven GOP are crushing life in America....but claiming they didn't steal the cookie with the cookie in their hand.

Where is accountability?

Where is "public accounting" crushed by a privatizing, deregulating, cost-shifting Reaganomics that George Bush Senior labeled as "voodoonomics" in his debates with Reagan decades ago?

Trump's  cash-driven cabal, however, specializes in erecting thick dense walls and barriers of human cities and brains  to 1) keep the other out of confined anaerobic spaces , 2) to keep the private self in anaerobic confined spaces they define as "security" and "privilege"...., 3) confine the self and many in anaerobic dullness to destroy our abilities to think creatively enough to want freedom from anaerobic confinement inside dense, impermeable, light-less urban walls and barriers and hate....and 4) block the critical flows and cycles produced by nature's genius far from the obvious, critical flows that nature produces freely far from our  thick, dense, impermeable walls and barriers of our cities that crush the ability of nature to produce enough to keep our human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.  

Humans have used human cash systems as an important tool to build great humans cities and to build great human civilizations.....but human cashflow floods also crush and destroy the ability of nature's fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems, ecosystems of ecological economics to reach up toward light of our sun enough to grow heaven on earth instead.

Fossil fuels have powered human industrialization of our cities and urban sprawl dulling us for the last 150 years....fossil fuels the blood of industrialization to power our cities to grow for the last 150 years.....as blood carries hemoglobin and oxygen as O2, as breathable O2 to human cells for children to grow to adulthood enough to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.

But fossil fueled human cities also cause climate carbon emissions of carbon dioxide/CO2 and also CxyzLOG*#@$)_%#*@&$)#(  causing greenhouse gases/GHG that have caused  concentrations of GHG in choking us in our thin atmosphere to hit dangerous levels, 400 parts per million of "CO2 units" (CO2 units a standardized tool that does not specify other GHG agents of other carbons ), more carbons per unit of air causing molecular activity of our atmosphere/climate to increase, more movement of molecules causing heating......climate heating, baking, drowning causing Climate911, our 6th extinction/Anthropocene ....

Trump and his cash-driven GOP in DC fear scientists, artists, journalists that dig far beyond the obvious dictates and lies coming from their White House....not ours....to silence and crush the ability of Americans to see or do anything with health, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" impossible to count in cash.

The cash-driven fossil fuel industry cabal  bought my US White House and US Congress in Election 2016 because the fossil fuel industry's US Supreme Court decision of "Citizens United" opened the floodgates of "dark money" to flood Washington DC.


Ironically, the Republican GOP in Washington DC does not even represent many/most Republican/GOP "red" states or regions or private corporations in America that are heroically leading the way to harvesting free, infinite supplies of free, infinite, immediate, safe, affordable, clean 100% Renewable Energy & Efficiency & Storage.....because those so-called "red" Republican states, regions and also leading private corporations such as Apple, Facebook, Google, Target, Walmart and many others know that 100% REEES 1) slashes operating costs, 2) cleans up human messes and 3) fills any system living or not with positive energy enough to grow upwards toward positive outcomes of by for All 100% to share freely now and generations from now and more enough to cause so-called "profits" to skyrocket for both that private

Tarsands and fricken fracken threaten not only our water.....but whole earth systems of life's productivity of critical but uncountable flows and cycles and whole functional systems of by for satisfying basic critical needs wants desires dreams of any living organism on earth....producing 1) abundant riches to count in human terms and 2) critical but uncountable flows, cycles, whole living systems inalienable, indivisible of by for producing liberty from want and fear of by for All 100%.....

Every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system on earth wants to reach up toward light of our sun to produce 1) abundant riches to count and also to grow and produce 2) critical but uncountable flows, cycles, whole living systems impossible to count in human rates of human cash that crush life an logic on earth.

Trump, Exxon and Putin want to blind America with deadly cashflow floods into private bank accounts of Trump, Exxon and Putin....to loot America:   Tarsands from the Dakota Access Pipeline will not even supply America....but will be exported out of America.   How can Trump and Tillerson get away with this looting?

How did the outlaws seize control of America?

Trump, Exxon and Putin needed US President Ronald Reagan's Reaganomics that George Bush Senior labeled "voodoonomics" of 1) privatization/segregation/blinding of public worlds/infrastructures to blind US....2) deregulation of our civil "Rule of Law" and US Government we need to protect the innocent from looters....and 3) deadly cost-shifting of explosive but hidden risks waiting to explode on us onto their own children criminally, onto their own nation treasonously, onto their own private self stupidly.

The list goes on.....and I am so weary of trying to defend my children's future from the cash-driven goons.....and I hope that someone in my US Government will have the guts to defend America and earth from the cash-driven idiots that assume erroneously behind linear, blinding walls and barriers that 1) the private self needs to take from the other to get for the private self as an immature playground bully....2) the private self needs to push the other down to lift the private self up as a playground bully...and that 3) privatized  cash profiteering justifies all.......but it does not....and their are wrong, very, very wrong, wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically, wrong eco+logically, wrong ego+nomically, wrong morally and often wrong legally....though the cash-driven 1% are still conspiring to rewrite human books/electrons on human history, human science, human law to sell the immoral of by for privatized cash profiteering for one private bank account of by for only one private blinded now......at our expense crushing us.

Has America become an outlaw nation?

How can we return to our critical "Rule of Law" to protect the innocent now and generations from now?

Listen to the lies wrapped in deadly "pro-life" labels and our American flag hypocritically?

How can the US Army Corps of Engineers have become spineless enough to allow this looting of their own nation?   Are they traitors also?

I am surprised....because the US Military understands the most the importance of Renewable Energy for "national security" for our nation....to break our addictions to deadly fossil fuels....especialy the "dirtiest fuel on the planet" that is causing Climate911 and our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene (Powell 2015).....evidence that Trump and Tillerson and Putin want to destroy America.   Trump's Bannon has openly admitted that he wants to dismantle our government ....

So why is my US Army Corps of Engineers that should be representing the voice of science representing the cash-driven looting of America of by for private bank accounts of the Trump Tillerson/Exxon Putin White House....crushing America, crushing life on earth?

Did Trump et al Incorporated threaten the US ACE?   A crime again.

This is war on America.   Will the US ACE attack US ....or defend us from "enemies" foreign and domestic?

Life on earth demands an Environmental Impact Statement before Exxon et al ram death through America damn it.

A real EIS will expose the lies of the fraudulent, deceitful Trump White House and Congress that limits their counts to mechanical rates of private cash of by for only one obvious now....throwing explosive risks and costs onto their own children's futures criminally, onto their own nation treasonously, onto their own private selves stupidly.

How in the hell did this happen to America?

I stand with Standing Rock because they stand up for life.   Exxon and Trump stand for their cash-driven senseless war on life.  Exxon and Trump and Putin vote for destruction of our nation......because any real "capitalist" or "businessman" does not crush or destroy the fragile but critical web for all life, for nature's hidden genetic potentials to produce critical flows, cycles enough to nurture life on earth to keep all human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.

The Standing Rock Sioux have been peacefully asking for the respect they deserve as a sovereign nation and as the first Americans to not have their water jeopardized and sacred sites destroyed by this pipeline.

The EIS must analyze the potential impacts to Lake Oahe and to the way of life of the Standing Rock Sioux. Climate change is real and is happening right now. This pipeline will only further its extreme effects. The EIS must measure that as well. 

1 comment:

  1. I need my privatized public US Government to listen to America's voices that are being crushed by deadly fossil fuel fool cashflow floods crushing life on earth.
