Saturday, April 1, 2017

Alert: GOP is likely conspiring to cause anothr "false flag" attack like 9/11 to distract us from another per failing GOP presidency...2001 & trump in Sos

Alert:    Stop GOP's 2017 "false flag" attack to distract us from trump's failing us GOP presidency.

No more "false flag attacks" like GOP's demolition of WTC 1, 2, 7 on 9/11......that the GOP needed in 2001 as our  "new Pearl Harbor"...9/11 (GOP Project for a New American Century, 2000) save g.w. bush's failing presidency during the summer of 2001 also....9/ gw bush's "excuse" to invade Afghanistan and Iraq of by for seizing control of oil in those nations  by for privatized fff oil CEO bank accounts in Cayman Islands ...before warnings of "peak oil" of growing shortages and costs and wars of by fir fossil fuel addictions of America .(Rupert 2000 yo 2003. ) ...oil financier Enron and Bush and Cheney  threatening the Taliban with a "carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs" if the taliban refused to allow Enron to erect a dirty energy pipeline through that area from n India to caspain sea.(brisard 02) distract US from another failing GOP presidency in 2001.....the GOP now planning on repeating GOP us history in 2017...

help!   SOS. Investigate and stop GOP now!

Evidence of enrons looting of America of by for reaganomic GOP bank accounts cashflow floods of by for a cashdriven 1% of by for GOP rep s of us in D.C....lost in dust of 9/11......see Lay and other Enron convictions in xxxxx....

Enron was one of  GHW bush's largest contributors in his failed but paid for election 2000 when computer tallies switched from dem wins to GOP wins in the middle of the night in November ( computers made by GOP companies such as diebold).  ....conflict of interest again.....2000... and bush's us Supreme Ct ordered Florida  supreme Ct o stop counting ballots in dec 200o.....installing an illegitimate 2017 stein recounts of election 2017 uncovered more computer votes or trump than paper ballots, evidence of election fraud as in 2000.  

But lawyers of international law objected to invasion of Iraq in 2001.   ( prob burns Weston also).   GOP Leach now in ui law school where burns worked before died murdered?      Leach  honoring bybee and  you of GOP ?

So Bush, Cheney, GOP needed another "excuse" to invade Iraq "legally" they bombed Iraq secretly during the summer of 2002 to try to force Hussein to "retaliate" as an "excuse to invade Iraq for oil.    But Hussein refused to "retaliate" gwb and Cheney needed another "excuse" yo invade Iraq for oil for gun a nationalized/ shared system for Iraq to spoils for global fff ceos $$$$$$ to fill privatized bank accounts gor fewer than only our expense.....

That failed, so they needed another "excuse"... and manufactured the Skinnerian behaviorist "wmd" ..."weapons of Mass Destruction" brain attaceks on America ...
2002 yo 2003 to numb dumb us blin us disable block access to critical flows of real info...and "yellow cake" numb dumb dull and nullify American brains during the fall and winter of 2002 to 2003....pushing many into psychotic paranoia because bush and Cheney and their lying "talking heads" and talk show upsets convinced many most Americans that Hussein was ready to "drop an atomic bomb onto the us (NYC???) ".......pushing our US Congress to act in fall 2002......with those lies that Wilson exposed in NYT 2003 Cheney et al exposed wilsons wife CIA identity ...a "retaliation" gor exposing bush cheney GOP lies about yellow cake that exposed bush Cheney lies that Hussein was ready to "drop atomic bomb onto us in fall for 2002" leading to us congress xxxxxxxxxx to invade Iraq b pcause of Bush Cheney lies.....a criminal lie that sent thousands of Americans to death...and million(sos) of Iraqis dead because of those manufactured lies to us......of by for filling fossil fuel bank accounts of a cashdrien gop of by gor few er than only 1%..... at our expense.

But ambassador Joseph Wilson wrote his expose in NYT in summer 2003....exposing criminal Bush Cheney lies exposing criminal war of aggression against iraq.....

If WTC towers fell in a "freefall implosion" wuthout a shadow...MEANING DEMOLITION (ae911t2017)meaning treason..?...then both invasions, both Afghanistan in 2001 to 2007 and invasion (s) of Iraq ain 2003 to about 2007)  were crimapinal invasions of aggression violating international law trials at Nuremberg tri ed Germany for a criminal air of aggression after ww11after ww11.....(Nuremberg trials, after ww11......2000)....meaning we need another investigation of bush, Cheneys criminal invasions of both afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and also 203 .... because the WTC buildings fell in a "freefall implosion" with evidence of "thermite/thermal technology" used in demolition process procedures (ae911t 2017)....evidenceof demolition also evidence of treason....,evidence for us federal investigations of conspiracy to cause 9/11 and fraud and conflict of interest to seize totalitarian control of us......

yellowcake exposed by Joseph Wilson ambassador in NYT in 2003....

Remember that GWB Jr declared war on Islamic nations only hours after the WTC buildings 1,2,7 fell in a "freefall implosion" without a shadow......when a "plane" did not even "hit" WTC 7.......meaning "demolition"....meaning treason without investigation.......bringing on trump.    ....

Meanwhile Cheney oil and gas and Tarsands and fricken fracken CEOs of Exxon, Tillerson and others ......met secretly w Cheney in spring of 2001 to manipulate "energy policy" with maps of oil fields in Iraq secretly (judicial watch 2003) without the American public input into so-called "energy policy" ........policy in a democracy necessarily "public" Cheney and fossil fuel fools FFF .....of by for seizing control of oil before "peak oil" in 2005.....

US Comptroller D Walker raised litigation to obtain information about Cheneys criminal secret meetings  about 6 between 12/00 and 5/01 2002 or 2003 but without success.   Did GOP White House  or Exxon etc threaten Walker?

Stop the GOP operatives now....

Stop the "false flag" event now.....


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