Monday, August 12, 2013

Trees & Inalienable Ecosystems Can't Just Get Up & Move Northward (in northern hemisphere): Koch Brothers Got it Wrong Again

Don't Blame God for The Arctic Melt & The Burning of Siberia & America: Count & Reduce Carbon ASAP

The dirty energy industry wants to blame God for carbon emissions (of many hot shapes and sizes) that have baked my earth......but they are wrong, very, very wrong, wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong economically, wrong egonomically, wrong morally and often wrong legally....

Do not blame God for human carbon emissions that will destroy us.   We need to redefine our word "economy" as more than cashflow floods for only 1% of only one private, obvious now.....

The evidence has become irrefutable that carbon does cause earth to bake, and that humans have burnt and released dangerous amounts of carbon for about 150 industrialized years into our common air and that carbon has increased concentrations in our atmosphere to the highest levels in human history, 400 ppm this summer..... causing The Arctic Melt that opened a shipping route through our Arctic for the first time in human history.....that has caused both Siberia and America to burn and our expense.  Where's the outrage?

These are very alarming events because America and Siberia are both important absorbers of carbon dioxide and other carbon species:   Green forests and organic soils absorb CO2 and other the switch to carbon emitters has become exponential.   Also, the breakneck heating of the Arctic this year ...such as a historic 90 F in Alaska this summer and in Siberia has caused permafrost to melt......and that melt has been releasing a methane bomb into our atmosphere, methane CH4 NG natural gas that is 25 to 100 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas that heats earth 25 to 100 times more powerfully than carbon dioxide.   (All our climate models are based on calculations on carbon dioxide CO2......but molecules' behaviors can change drastically with only slight changes in structure, such as molecular angles.)

Is the fossilized energy industry counting those terrifying costs..........or do they limit their counts and our counts to mechanical, artificial counts of only one private obvious bank account now?  

Are our leaders and "economy" counting those costs and lost positive potentials for our selves, nation, world?   Can we count more than cash?   Can we count the real factors that are changing and destroying our world?   When will our leaders lead instead of allowing the dirty energy industries to dictate absolutes to US?

Did the oil and gas industry conspire to melt our Arctic to seize control of oil and gas under Arctic ice of, by, for privatized cash profiteering (for one private self of only one obvious now of 1%)......and a shipping route to market of, by, for privatized cash profiteering exclusively for the oil and gas our expense?   Conflict of interest at public taxpayer expense?   Criminal intent?

Criminal intent or not, the dirty energy industry cannot justify their motives to cause catastrophic climate change and destroy our common web for all life.

Both science and morality dig beyond the obvious to detect links between causes and consequences, but the cash-driven dirty carbon energy industries don't want you to know about those links.....The dirty energy industry does not want you to know that their carbon emissions cause catastrophic climate events such as megastorms and rising seas and epidemics of flood and drought and desertification and destruction of green lands that absorb carbon.

Reports of destruction of earth's carbon absorbers such as forests in Siberia are significant events and they are censored news.   Burning of the Arctic area is serious because the Arctic (and Antarctica) have heated at a much faster rate than other parts of our globe......and that has caused the permafrost in the Arctic to melt, releasing methane or CH4 or natural gas or NG that is 25 to 100 times more powerful as carbon dioxide that has already caused earth to heat to a breaking point.

But the dirty energy industry has conspired to block and distort news about climate change and block information that humans are causing climate change..and that carbon causes heating....and they do not want you to stop burning carbon because they assume that privatized cash profiteering justifies all.....

The dirty energy industry is also deregulating The Laws of Nature and selling the unacceptable as acceptable.  Outrageous.

But they are wrong, very, very wrong.   Criminals want to deregulate the Rule of Law also.  

If humans cause climate change, humans can reverse climate change by greening our cities, divesting from dirty energy and investing in renewable energy use, production, infrastructure asap immediately now yesterday.

We need the fossilized energy industry's expertise to transition to an energy system that will not destroy us and our world now asap immediately yesterday please.   Thanks.

We can green our cities to free our selves from this tailspin change the course of history into a more positive course upward.....even for the children of fossil fuel CEOs.....   Thanks for helping!

Divest from carbon now, from fracking and from the Keystone XL for example.  Walk or ride a bike and combine several trips into one, as an example.   Invest smarter in renewable energy use, production and infrastructure such as a "smart grid" to change the course of history, please.  

Count more than cash.

We can't afford to destroy our selves.   Thanks.

Arctic Melt & Burning of America: Scientists Predicted A Decade Ago Arctic Ice Loss Would Worsen Western Droughts. Is That Happening Already?

The dirty energy industry of fossilized industry likes to pocket cash from our consumption of fossilized fuel......but they don't want to tell you that your consumption emits carbons into your atmosphere to cause earth to burn:

Scientists Predicted A Decade Ago Arctic Ice Loss Would Worsen Western Droughts. Is That Happening Already?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Prevention pays....Crisis Mismanagement costs

Prevention pays.  Crisis mismanagement costs.

So why are governments panicking after catastrophic climate events in crisis mismanagement mode?

Why aren't the private and public sectors saying....."Perhaps we can prevent these terminal catastrophes by reducing our carbon emissions...."

Waming is causing permafrost to melt releasing methane causing even faster warming

Warming of Arctic causes permafrost to melt.   The Arctic is warming much faster than rest of earth (4 degrees F), meaning that permafrost is also melting rapidly, releasing methane CH4 that is 25 to 100 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide CO2.  Our computer models are based on CO2 and even slight changes in angles of a molecule can cause radical changes in behavior.......Perhaps this is why catastrophic rates and intensities of unprecedented storms around the globe have alarmed scientists who had used CO2 models to predict changes.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Economy and Ecology Linked Intimately

The word root, "eco-" as in "eco+nomic" and in "eco+logic" means "house" or "oikos" in Greek....but not every house nurtures those within.   Some houses hurt and destroy those within.

Humans need nature's hidden genetic potentials to produce the critical flows such as breathable oxygen and drinkable water to keep humans alive day to day and minute to minute.

But some just don't get it.  Some assume that the privatized, immediate, obvious concrete urbanized walls and barriers are fact.

Kansas Dust Storm of 2004 Mimics Dust Storm of 1935

America is ripping America's topsoil and vegetation apart as we value cash more than the critical natural resources that protect our land and life.

Our leaders in both public and private sectors need to act immediately to change the poor land use patterns and carbon emissions that have caused these unnecessary storms and global climate change.

These images indicate that the dust storm of 2004 in Kansas mimicked one of the dust storms of 1935.   An economy can't breathe if the people or land can't breathe or function.

2004 Dust storm picture

1930's dust bowl picture

Chinese Dust Cloud Circled Earth

A Chinese dust storm caused by desertification circled earth in 2007:

The Dust Bowl is Back:

Human scientific method often limits its bounds to the private, immediate, obvious history....without anticipating the limitless realms of possibilities

Human cash systems ironically count the most critical flows for humans the least.....and the least critcial the most.

And human cash systems often drive the human scientific system because scientists need to eat.

But ironically, human cash systems count the most critical flows for humans the least, the critical flows such as air, water, food to keep humans alive day to day and minute to minute.

Ironically, human cash counts the most critical and hidden flow the least, breathable oxygen as O2......even though humans die within minutes without O2.

Ironically, human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for humans the next least, water as H2O...even though humans die within days without H2O.

Ironically, human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for humans the next least, rich, organic topsoil that grows food for humans.....even though humans die within months without food.

Ironically, human cash counts the least critcial the most, the most deadly the most....bloody diamonds and gold, dirty energy, coal, nuclear risks, oil and gas, oil wars, dirty methane as CH4 that heats our air 25 to 100 times more powerfully than CO2 that has already melted our Arctic for the first time in human history causing climate bombs to be released by permafrost as methane wasted....and propaganda to sell the unacceptable as acceptable of, by, for privatized cashflow floods that kill.

Do humans count human cash more than life?

Humans Caused the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and the Economic "Great Depression"

I don't know why these pictures and documents have not been reported more in more mainstream media when America is now losing its topsoil again at terrible rates because of poor land use management practices in this century.

One researcher has pointed out that a people that destroys its soil destroys its self.

So I find it ironic that I found this critical information in a website about the non-believable but not in main information sources:

I am asking the source permission to reprint this information now so that it can be released into the "mainstream" information flows of our nation and world  (instead of a website that classifies this information with UFOs).....because our agricultural lands are now being stripped of their soil and vegetation that holds the soil to the land at this time.   This is an emergency and we need many to stand up and speak out to protect the soil that cannot protect its self.

As America discovered in the 1930s, soil and economy of our nation is intimately linked....and I suggest that we reread this history soon and well so that we don't cause this history to happen again.


From:  :


The Dust Bowl and Black Sunday

// December 26th, 2012 // Weather
The Dust Bowl and Black Sunday

Boy covers his face as he is caught in a dust storm

Rabbit roundup

Rabbit plague – rabbits at the watering hole

Thousands of dead rabbits after a rabbit roundup
Dust storm blowing into town
Dust storm blowing into town
Dust storm rolling in
Dust storm rolling into the plains
Car fleeing as dust storm rolls in
Car fleeing as dust storm rolls in
Dust storm rolling into farm
Dust storm rolling into a small community
Storm rolling into Colorado
Storm rolling into the plains of Colorado

Family in the High Plains
Oklahoma dust storm
Black Sunday dust storm in Oklahoma
Erosion in the High Plains
Black Sunday storm rolling in
Car fleeing as a dust storm is rolling in
Thick black cloud of dust
Enormous black storm arrives in Kansas
Dust storm
Black Sunday storm

Dust storm in town
Huge black cloud of dust
Huge black wall of dust – a Black Blizzard
Dust storm over town
Dust storm over town (rare color photograph)
Storm in Pampa Texas
Storm in Pampa Texas on April 14, 1935 – Black Sunday
Storm in Spearman Texas
Dust storm in Spearman Texas - Black Sunday
Dust storm in Elkhart Kansas
Dust storm in Eclhart Kansas in 1937

Family car packed up and leaving Oklahoma in 1938
Farmer making repairs
Farmer making repairs
Barn Buried in Dust
Farm buried in dust
Car covered in dirt
Car and farm equipment covered in dirt
Tractor covered in dirt
Tractor covered in dust
Farmer checking the crop
Farmer checking his crop
Farmer family fleeing the storm
Family fleeing the storm
Farmer repairing a fence
Farmer repairing the fence
Fence line
Fenceline almost completely covered with dirt
Farm house buried under dirt
Farm house buried under dirt"

(    "

The Dust Bowl and Black Sunday

// December 26th, 2012 // Weather
The Dust Bowl and Black Sunday") (hb google 2013)

Thanks to the photographers and media that have made these photographs accessible in 2013 for public health and safety, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" of any definition.
These photographs are part of the public domain because most were created by the U.S. Government to document the catastrophic changes that were engulfing our nation at the time.....and these photographs were important tools for writing legislation after that to protect our invaluable natural resources impossible to count in cash.

I hope that our leaders now will honor and respect the rights of our nation and world to a safer and healthier world....and that humans in the US Congress cannot blame God for catastrophes caused by humans.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Excellent Explanation of Effects of Heated Arctic on Jet Stream: Climate, Arctic Death Spiral and Weather Whiplash: Video (TP, 2013)

Video: Climate, Arctic Death Spiral and Weather Whiplash: pThe biggest story of our time is the collapse of Arctic sea ice and its impact on our extreme weather (see “CryoSat-2 Confirms Sea Ice Volume Has Collapsed“). “Death spiral” is the right visual metaphor, as the latest monthly update of sea ice volume by creative tech guru Andy Lee Robinson shows: If recent volume [...]/p   (TP, 2013)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Media Invited to NSF Grantee Meeting for 'Sustainable Energy Pathways' Program - US National Science Foundation (NSF) - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Media Invited to NSF Grantee Meeting for 'Sustainable Energy Pathways' Program - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Largest tornado in US history this month: Call John Boehner to divest from dirty energy and invest in renewables now

Largest tornado in US history this last month in Oklahoma, 2.5 miles wide, as wide as Manhattan.

Call John Boehner, R-Speaker of the US House of Representatives now asap immediately yesterday to help US to divest from dirty energy that is causing more frequent and intense frankenstorms (such as Sandy)....and to invest into renewable energy use and infrastructure that will reduce carbon emissions drastically, reducing global heating and chaos, rising seas, droughts, floods, desertification.....destruction of human civilization.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

NSF Needs to document links between human carbon emissions and historic melt

National Science Foundation is documenting melting ice but only comments that UAVs will help humans adapt to rising seas.   NSF also needs to document links between human activity, uncontrolled release of carbon for the last 150 years and this historic, catastrophic melt.