Monday, November 30, 2015

Paris COP21: All Hands on Deck Now: 100% Renewable Energy Renaissance Now to Grow Heaven on Earth Instead

All Hands on Deck Now:  100% Renewable Energy Renaissance Now to Grow Heaven on Earth Instead to lift the many up to positives...instead of pushing the many down into hell please.  Thanks.  Your children thank you.

Paris COP21:  Have the courage to protect your own children's future, your own future from US, from Exxon's cruel cashflow floods that are crushing us....and stand up for positive outcomes of by for All 100% now and generations from now, obvious or not, counted in human rates of cash, empty numbers or not.....cashflow floods that crush life and hope on earth....

#Go100Percent to Grow heaven on earth instead, obvious now or not, counted in private cash now or not, crushed or not to enable All 100% to reach up high for light of our sun and free flows of energy from our sun and wind to power a Renewable Energy Renaissance Now ASAP 100%  to lift All 100% up to positives enough to count in positive terms...even for a cash-driven 1% stuck in yesterday:

* Harvest Free 100% Renewable Energy Harvesting Now by 2030, 2050 the latest (100% doable)  to free the many, all lives, all living systems from the terror of the 6th extinction our carbon emissions are causing us, costing us, destroying us...
* Green our cities with safer, more affordable, smarter, more efficient, greener, cleaner, more productive transportation/water/building/habitat methods to harvest wasted energy +
* grow and protect absorbent green watersheds & water cycles of the whole, cell and self and globe inalienable to absorb carbon from our air where it does not belong, where it becomes a financial liability instead of a financial asset, as part of the soil that grows green forests that filter, cool, produce oxygen as O2, grow wood and clean up human messes with nature's ancient logic
* redefine our English word, "economy" as more than cash "currency" that crushes....and
* redefine "economy" also as critical flows uncountable inalienable, indivisible, hidden, undervalued that nurture and keep life and human cities alive and functional day to day and minute to minute, generation to generation enough to build and keep great human cities, civilizations, legacies enough to count....+
* keep dinosaurs in the ground at all costs because harvesting 100% free renewable energy now instead will grow heaven on earth instead...enough to lift millions, billions of lives and potentials up enough to flourish and produce abundance enough to lift all 100% up out of cash-driven "poverty" that kills creativity and productivity of millions and billions (crushing our economic numbers)...
* So free, abundant flows of energy will cause economic activity to explode into amazing, inspiring, positives of a global Economic Renaissance,  if we measure real positive outcomes instead of just rates of cash that crush productivity...enough to lift all 100% up to light....even a cash-driven 1%...enough to find abundant health, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" impossible to quantify or qualify in human rates of cash that crush life on earth.
* Let the Renewable Energy Renaissance begin now 100%!

All Hands on Deck Now:  100% Renewable Energy Renaissance Now to Grow Heaven on Earth Instead

Saturday, November 28, 2015




"100% Renewable-Powered World ‘Technically Feasible and Economically Viable’ by 2030"

Please Stop Causing Hell on Earth.
Why not?    

100% Renewables Now ...At Least By 2030 to Keep Earth Alive & Functional, Please....

Climate Action Now In Paris ASAP : 

Redefine "Economy" as More Than Cash 
Harvest Free Renewables Of By For 100% Renewable Energy to Lift All Up to Light
& Grow Greener, More Functional Watersheds 
to Grow Heaven On Earth by 2030!


Your Children & Family Thank You.


...."It's the economy, Stupid...."


By 2030! "100% Renewable-Powered World ‘Technically Feasible and Economically Viable’ by 2030" IRENA, 2015

November 28, 2015


Holly M. Berkowitz, BA, RHIT
40 Gallup Place
Iowa City, Iowa  52246

To Who Cares:

Re:  Whether or not...."100% Renewable-Powered World ‘Technically Feasible and Economically Viable’ by 2030” please.  Thanks.  Your Children/Family Thank You.

Dear Wonderers of the World,

This anti-climatic, so lowly-called “debate” is over….and it is now the time to act asap now immediately yesterday…. whether or not you know 100%, whether or not you can find your way through the rubble in Paris or through the thick walls erected in my US Congress….to stop humans causing hell on earth and stop blaming my god erroneously…and start to grow heaven now immediately to lift all up to light enough to prosper instead…even a cash-driven 1%....

The question is if you care enough:



"100% Renewable-Powered World ‘Technically Feasible and Economically Viable’ by 2030"

Please stop causing hell on earth now & Stop blaming my god for the mess we + Exxon made.

Why not?    

100% Renewables Now ...At Least By 2030 to Keep Earth & U.S.
Alive & Functional Now, Please....

!Climate Action Now In Paris ASAP!

Harvest Free Renewable Energy Of By For 100% Renewable World by 2030 to Lift All Up to Light, 

To Free All From Terror of Want and Fear….Even a Cash-driven 1%...

* Leave the Dinosaurs in the Ground Where They Belong…With A Carbon Neutral Tax Refunded to Those Who Care
*Exxon & the Cash-driven:  Stop Causing Hell On Earth Now & 
Help Your Own Children & Family to Pick Up & Clean Up the Messes We Have Made Together for the Last 35 years, the last 150 years...
* Redefine Our Word, "Economy" as More Than Mechanical Rates of Human Cash that Crush US & Life….
and learn Word Roots, “Eco-“ as in “eco+nomic” and “eco+logic” that means “house” 
or “oikos” in Greek (~eco)…..
But not every house nurtures those within, cell or self or globe inalienable.  
Some houses crush and destroy those within.  
We can’t afford that..….
We Need Nature’s Amazing but Hidden Genius to Grow Critical Flows for Life Enough to Nourish & Nurture US now & in our future….& 
* Also to Value the Invaluable Uncountable Hidden but Critical Flows & Productivity Impossible to Count in Mechanical Rates of Human Cash 
Mechanical Rates of Cash that Crush Life on Earth, 
* to Learn to Value the Invaluable, Critical, Uncountable, Priceless, Ironically Undervalued Flows of by for Life to Grow 
Our human cash system counting the most critical flows for life the least…and the least critical the most, the most deadly the most stupidly…..
Crushing life on earth….
the Critical but Hidden Flows, Cycles, Productivity of by for Life to Consume Enough to Produce, 
to Produce Enough to Consume to cycle Now and Generations from Now so we can
Balance Nature’s Budget So We Can Balance Our Own Of Cash…..
Enough to Value the Invaluable, the Undercounted, Uncounted, Inalienable, the Indivisible of by for Life to Lift All Up to Light
to Activate & Inspire Nature’s Fragile but Critical, Hidden Genetic Potentials, Genius, 
Infinitely Intricate & Vast Flows & Cycles & Productivity of by for Lifting All Up…
to Fill in Hungry Voids of the Negative…to Hold Our Fragile Web For All Life Intact….to
 Lift Life Up Enough of by for Every Living Cell, Seed, Seedling, Soil, Self to Reach Up toward Light of Our Sun 
enough to Produce Enough, Enough Impossible to Count in Cash Coins of Human Cities of Walls that Block Critical Flows…
enough to produce enough ….
1) abundant riches to count +
 2) critical flows of by for life uncountable O2, H2O, Topsoil, green to grow food and shelter 
to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute….generation to generation and more….

* Harvest Free Renewable Energy Of By For 100% Renewable World by 2030 to Lift All Up to Light, To Free All From Terror of Want and Fear….Even a Cash-driven 1%...
* Grow Greener, More Functional, Absorbent, Productive, Integrating, Satisfying Watersheds to
 * Absorb Carbon as Cx with Phytoremediation to Turn Financial Liabilities into Financial Assets, Obvious or Not, Counted in Rates of Cash or Not…&
* Grow Heaven On Earth Instead by 2030 to Lift All Up to Light Enough to Laugh Now and Generations From Now,
Obvious or not, counted in mechanical rates of cash or not….

It’s not hard if we care.


Your Children & Family Thank You.


It's Eco+Nomic+Logical, Stupid
