Thursday, August 25, 2016


The only "pipe bomb" we need to worry about in North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois crushed by a “tarsands pipeline” is the dirty, deadly, toxic, explosive and "game over" TARSANDS PIPELINE PIPE BOMB that the Texan Energy Transfer Dakota Access LLC cashy big oil corporation is ramming through ND, SD, IA, IL to crush and destroy some of the most fertile, rich, productive topsoil and lives and truth on this planet. Thank you, protesters for your courage, time, intelligence for blocking one of the most deadly abuses of power in human history. Where is America? We blocked and banned the industrial hegeXL Keystone Pipeline tarsands pipeline PIPE BOMB….but the privatized cash profiteeres assumed erroneously that Americans wouldn’t notice if they just came in and rammed the dirtiest crude in the history of this planet down our throats… the tobacco industry conspired to turn nicotine into nicotinoids also causing extinction on earth, causing a collapse of pollinators to crush life on earth also. Wrong. They are wrong….very, very wrong, wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically, wrong eco+logically, wrong morally and often wrong legally…..though a cash-driven < 1% still conspiring to rewrite human books of human history, human science, human law to sell the immoral of by for privatized cash profiteering of by for only one private bank account now of by for only one private point of view now…at our expense. Humans need nature to produce the critical but uncountable, indivisible flows, cycles, logic/hidden genetic potentials/genius, synergy, productivity of positive productivity of by for ironically fragile and hidden currents of by for air, O2, water, H2O, rich organic topsoil, green photosynthesis to grow heaven on earth….obvious or not, counted in cash or not…. Humans can not afford for dirty, deadly cash-driven forces of Exxon’s fossil fuel industries’ deadly schemes, scams, secrecy to crush life on earth. But fossil fuel dollars have seized control of our US Government, crushing our US Constitution, international laws and treaties, laws of science, laws of nature, critical but hidden laws of moral reciprocity….while the cash-driven fossil fuel industries such as Exxon still conspire to crush life on earth. Dakota Access Corporation shipped almost 50 to 100 men in orange suits to the Boone IA so-called "public hearing" in November 2015 to "testify" read from a Dakota Access uniform script..... the same lame and illogical "arguments" about 50 to 100 times.....erroneously....that we need this PIPE BOMB PIPELINE to crush the most valuable topsoil and lives in the world.....because.... this PIPE BOMB IS "SAFER" THAN TRUCK TARSANDS BOMBS and are "safer" than TRAIN TARSANDS BOMBS that have cratered numerous communities in the last couple of years. The other “arguments” of by for a TARSANDS PIPE BOMB THROUGH ND, SD, IA, IL, AMERICA assumed erroneously that mechanical rates of privatized corporate cashflow floods define “quality of life” and “quantity of life” in America. Wrong: Fossil fuel industry cashflow floods crush life and land and liberty in America. Mechanical rates of human cash crush to divide to count….and count to divide to conquer to crush the competition, the other, the diverse, the nonsame….not to share. But life shares freely to survive and to thrive through time….to free the self and many from deadly want and fear. The cash-driven fossil fuel industries just don’t get it, though….and want war and addictions to dirty dead energy to fill privatized pocketbooks of only one private self now of by for only our expense….crushing life on earth. Humans have used human cash as an important tool to build great human cities and great human civilizations….but our cashflow floods also crush life on earth, the fragile but critrical, hidden genetic potentials/genius of every living cell seed seedling soil that wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce abundant riches to count + to produce critical but uncountable, inalienable flows cycles logic synergy producticvity of positive outcomes enough to consume, to consume enough to produce now and generations from now, obvious to one private self now or not, counted in human rates of cash that crush life or not. Chief Joseph knew that we could not “own” the critical but uncountable, inalienable, indivisible flows cycles logic synergy amazing wonders and productiveiy of air, water, soil, life on earth that produce positive but uncountable outcomes, blessings enough for all to share freely…..if we stop crushing the ability of life to produce enough to consume….a more logical economy. Real capitalists do not crush and destroy the ability of life and nature to grow positive but uncountable outcomes enough to consume, to consume enough to satisfy basic critical needs wants desires dreams of any self.. The cash-driven fossil fuel industry also tries to sugar coat explosions and sinkholes and toxic holocausts caused by the fricken fracken industry that swallow and crush and destroy entire communities/states/regions of our nation also. That is not right. That is not moral. That is not legal. So the fossil fuel industry such as Exxon needed voodoonomics of the last 35 years to privatize our public worlds to crush political opposition, to deregulate our rule of law to crush the competition, to shove deadly costs and risks onto the many unsuspecting, even their own family’s children, even their own private self stupidly…..assuming erroneously that private/linear/shortsighted/obvious selves 1) need to take from the other to get for the private self….as arithmetic ignores the more complex mathematics……2) need to push the other down to lift the private self up… gravity sucks all down….3) that privatized cash profiteering justifies all….but it does not….and they are wrong, very, very wrong, wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically, wrong eco+logically, wrong morally and often wrong legally…..limiting our counts as a public nation to mechanical rates of private cash of only one private self in only one private bank account now…..on top of a deadly pyramid scheme and scam of secrecy crushing US. Expose the lies. Ban and block tarsands and fricken fracken and addictions to deadly fossilized fuels of a cashdriven 1% that are crushing US… Force Exxon and other fossil fuel industries, Energy Transfer, Dakota Access LLC etc to • leave the dinosaurs of cash in the ground • help build critical Renewable Energy Efficiency Infrastructure instead such as a smart grid and RE of inverse solar and wind to harvest amazing supplies of free, infinite, clean flows of light, air, water, life, uncountable blessings instead….to convert deadly climate carbon financial liabilities and Climate 911 ….SUCH AS TARSANDS PIPE BOMBS, TOXIC HOLOCAUSTS, HELL……into living, satisfying, growing, productive, safe, comforting carbon financial assets such as Renewable Energy to power all energy needs on earth, food, shelter, laughter, peace, prosperity instead, such as healthy, productive, clean, satisfying green, absorbent watersheds instead, heaven on earth instead to produce enough to consume and to consume enough to produce, obvious or not, counted in cash or not: America does not “need” a DEADLY TARSANDS PIPE BOMB that crushes and destroys life on earth • count more than cash… value the invaluable… keep life alive on earth….to turn our 6th Extinction into a global Renewable Energy Green Economic Renaissance instead….to stop causing hell on earth….to grow heaven on earth instead please. Thanks. • build critical Renewable Energy & Efficiency and grow absorbent green watersheds instead…. infrastructure foundations and watersheds/airsheds of by for growing a satisfying Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance, instead to lift all up to light and laughter instead….. • harvest free, infinite supplies of 100% Renewable Energy of by for all to harvest free, infinite supplies of sun and wind etc by 2050, 80 to 100% RE by 2030 or before easily…..100% doable (IRENA,, Jacobson MZ, 2016)….if the fossil fuel industry in my US Congress (holding my government and nation hostage) would work to save their children’s future instread, save their own private future from their selves, instead…..or get out of the way…..and stop wasting our dollars on deadly PIPE BOMBS, TRAIN BOMBS, TRUCK BOMBS AND TOXIC HOLOCAUSTS CAUSING CLIMATE 911…. • Free the many to harvest free, infinite supplies of 100% Renewable Energy and grow green, absorbent, living watersheds to 1) slash operating costs of any system, cell or self or nation or globe and 2) activate hidden genetic potentials/genius in every living cell seed seedling soil self whole system to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce 2a) abundant riches to count ….plus 2b) to produce critical but uncountable flows cycles logic synergy productivity of critical but uncountable flows cycles of air O2, water H2O, topsoil to grow green to grow food and shelter to keep humans cities alive and laughing now and generations from now. We can afford no less. • Slash operating costs of dirty deadly fossil fuel TARSANDS PIPELINE PIPE BOMBS, TRUCK BOMBS, TRAIN BOMBS and FRICKEN FRACKEN TOXIC HOLOCAUSTS CAUSING OUR CLIMATE 911, operating costs, drilling costs searching desperately for fewer/lesser and fewer/lesser quantities and qualities of poorer and poorer finds at higher and higer costs of exploration, processing, transport, spills, destruction of both land and life and critical functions of living organisms, cell or self or nation or globe….at our expense. Enough is enough. Shift now to 100% Renewable Energy to harvest free, infinite supplies to satisfy basic critical needs of the many….. and Green, Growing, Productive but uncountable Watersheds of by for All instead ….to stop causing hell on earth while blaming my god erroneously….and to grow heaven on earth instead. It’s not difficult: It just takes a nation able and willing to reach far beyond the obvious enough to discover nature’s wonders….enough to clean up the mess. Thanks. The cash-driven fossil fuel industry has manufactured some really putrid lies this time, well-paid "public relations" operatives of the Koch Brothers and Cheney to sugar-coat the putrid facts impossible to sugar-coat, the dirty deadly fossil fuel industry claiming erroneously that..... * the DA PIPE BOMB PIPELINE through our nation is ....get this...."SAFER" than TRUCK BOMBS or TRAIN BOMBS lugging crude dangerous dirty explosive TARSANDS AND EXPLODING ON NUMEROUS COMMUNITIES IN SPECTACULAR CATASTROPHES IN THE LAST COUPLE OF YEARS THAT SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT THE CRIMINALS DOWN. BUT THEY JUST MOVED THEIR SCAMS FROM CANADA TO THE MIDWEST OF THE US.....HOPING WE WOULDN'T NOTICE. WRONG. ET and Dakota Access LLC evidently have enough cashflow floods to silence and blind the Iowa Utilities Board and other cash-driven corporate representatives as puppets of ET, DA and the puppetiers .....corporate? I thought they were "elected public representatives"......sworn to protect my US Constitution and America from enemies foreign and domestic..... What? BAN THE TARSANDS PIPE BOMB. BAN TARSANDS TRUCK BOMBS. BAN TARSANDS TRAIN BOMBS. BAN TARSANDS. FACT: TARSANDS IS HAZARDOUS AND DEADLY EXPLOSIVE TO CRUSH LIFE, LIVING PROCESSES ON EARTH....CAUSING OUR 6TH EXTINCTION ON EARTH, A CRIME. DON'T BUY THE TARSANDS OR LIES. ALSO BAN FRICKEN FRACKEN FOR METHANE/CH4/NG/ “NATURAL GAS” THAT IS NOT “NATURAL” AS A CLIMATE METHANE CARBON THAT IS 20 TO 100 TIMES MORE POWERFUL AS A GREENHOUSE GAS THAN CO2…THAT HAS ALREADY BAKED AND DROWNED EARTH, CAUSING OUR 6TH EXTINCTION: BLOCK THE METHANE AND CONVERT METHANE CH4 AND CARBON DIOXIDE INTO SEQUESTERED FINANCIAL ASSETS INSTEAD, GREEN VEGETATION, FUNCITONAL WATERSHEDS, FUEL, OBJECTS TO SELL IN THE MARKETPLACE. BAN FOSSIL FUEL LIES THAT HAVE BLOCKED CRITICAL PUBLIC ACCESS TO CRITICAL PUBLIC ABILITIES TO GROW A GREENER ECONOMY TO STOP THE CLIMATE 911, CLIMATE APOCOLYPSE CAUSED BY EXXON ET AL AND US FOR THE LAST 35 YEARS, THE LAST 150 YEARS…. 1000% RENEWABLE ENERGY OF BY FOR GREEN, GROWING, PRODUCTIVE WATERSHEDS INSTEAD NOW! BAN TAR SANDS, FRACKING OF BY FOR HATRED, DIVISION, STRIFE, WAR FILLING PRIVATIZED CASH PROFITEEDRING OF BY FOR FEWER THAN ONLY 1%....AT MY EXPENSE. BLOCK TARSANDS. BAN TARSAND TO KEEP EARTH ALIVE, DAMN IT. BLOCK FRICKEN FRACKEN. BAN FRICKEN FRACKEN TO KEEP EARTH ALIVE, DAMN IT. STOP THE FOSSILIZED ENERGY LIES TO STOP CAUSING HELL ON EARTH.

This threat to our nation's survival, earth's survival, life's survival is no less that the threat the 13 American colonies faced when a King George crushed their "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".....of by for privatized privilege and deadly cashflow floods of our expense..

Some that claim the right to ram deadly, explosive PIPE BOMBS, TRUCK BOMBS, TRAIN BOMBS through our fragile but invaluable lives and lands, communities and fragile but critical lives and lands rely on deadly lies based on limiting our counts to mechanical rates of private/immediate/obvious/self-serving private cashflow floods of by for filling only one private bank account of by for only one private point of view of only one obvious private our expense.

America is not stupid....but the fossil fuel pushers in my US Government are treating US like we are.

Cheney-Bush conspired to rewrite human laws in about 2005 to cause victims of deadly fracking chemical holocausts to be labeled the "criminals" when those that cause the crimes are the criminals....hurting other lives land....robbing the ability of those lives and lands to breathe, drink, eat enough safe, affordable air, water, food to find the ability to function enough to produce enough for their selves and others to consume, to consume enough to produce, to produce enough to consume....obvious to one or not, counted in private cash of only one self or not.

Who has crushed our nation's information system of by for lifting a cash-driven 1% up....while pushing US down?

Is that treason?


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