Thursday, August 25, 2016

Ban Tarsands Pipe Bombs that Cause Climate Armageddon, the Crush Life On Earth

Guest Opinion:

Defusing A Fossil Fuel Industry Tarsands Pipe Bomb

by Holly M. Berkowitz, B.A., R.H.I.T.
August 25, 2016
Iowa City, Iowa

Dear Fellow American ~

Big lies kill many.

Big Oil Texan Exxon lied and racketeered for 35 years to cause Climate 9/11, our 6th Extinction now…..obvious or not, counted in Exxon’s cash or not.

Now…..Texan Big Oil Energy Transfer, Dakota Access LLC is ramming a TARSANDS PIPE BOMB through America, the “dirtiest fuel on the planet” through North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, America at our expense to cause “game over” in our critical fight against Climaate 911, causing our own Extinction.  That is wrong.

But Americans understand that dirty fossil fuel TARSANDS PIPE BOMBS threaten productivity of by for Americans, critical flows, cycles, logic, synergy of by for life, prodcing light, their air, O2, water, H2O, topsoil productivity, green, whole functional systems able to produce produce, wetlands, to produce critical flows for life enough to produce health, life, liberty, safety, well-being and happiness of by for All 100% to lift all up…..positive outcomes impossible to count in rates if cash that crush life on earth….obvious to one or not, counted in Exxon cashflow floods or not.

Fossil fuel energy lies, racketeering and wars on the many have crushed life illegally on earth for more than 35 years, more than 150 years of industrialization, urban sprawl and our addictions to dead energy……to cause our Climate 911, our 6th Extinction…...and after they failed to ram the Keystone XL  TARSANDS PIPE BOMBS through America….they have conspired to pay some under the table to now ram the Dakota Access LLC Tarsands Pipe Bombs down the throats of Americans across our heartland, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois to crush US and our ability to grow, to crush nature’s ability to grow upwards toward light of our sun to produce enough. 

But Americans are not dumb.

Every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole wants to reach up toward light of our sun to produce abundant riches to count…plus to produce critical but uncountable flows of air, water, topsoil, green to lift all up to light.

But some just don’t get it and limit their counts to cash, crushing life on earth.

The fossilized energy industry thought they could bribe our US Government with a fossilized US Congress after Keystone XL failed….but Americans aren’t dumb…..and will not buy a TARSANDS PIPE BOMB at any price.

A fossil fuel industry evidently assumes erroneously that it needs to push the many down to lift the private self up….to take from the other to get for the private self….and that privatized cash profiteering justifies all.  But it does not…and they are wrong scientifically, mathematically, eco+nomically, eco+logically, morally, legally….but are still conspiring to rewrite human books of human history, human science, human law to sell the immoral to fill private bank accounts for only one private self now….of only 1%..... 

Reach beyond the obvious of only one obvious now to discover amazing wonders of nature, of scientific literacy….to protect nature’s ability to produce enough for us to consume.

But some just don’t get it….and limit their counts to mechanical rates of private cash of only one obvious now….blinding the self and many, crushing the future of the self and many.

Some limit their counts to mechanical rates of cash to blind US, to block and destroy vision, wisdom and nature’s wonders far beyond the obvious.

America, stand with Native Americans now, Native Americans who understand the critical but uncountable nature of life impossible to count in mechanical rates of cash of a crush fossil fuel industry crushing us…..

America, we need to block and ban the Dakota Access tarsands Pipe Bomb approved illegally by the Iowa Utilities Board and by the US Army Corps of Engineers.   Their cash-driven TARSANDS PIPE BOMB is not “necessary” and failed the Environmental Impact Statement test…..

We deserve better than that.  We deserve the Rule of Law to protect the innocent….enough to produce enough to consume.

Harvesting free, infinite supplies of solar energy could power all energy needs on earth x 11,000.   Wind, water, waves, etc could also power all energy needs on earth, obvious or not, counted in cash or not…..100% by 2050, 80 to 100% by 2030 or before, 100% doable…if the fossil fuel profiteers stopped counting mechanical rates and counted positive outcomes also…..instead of crushing life on earth.

Stop the lies.

Senator Chuck Grassley, a GOP famer from Iowa claimed erroneously recently that the only waters the US needs to protect are “navigatable waters”…..meaning that he does not get it…..that he does not understand the elementary fact that inalienable , uncountable, critical but hidden air, water, topsoil, life flows and cycles, logic of life, synergy, productivity potentials and wonders of nature enable life on earth to survive and grow day to day and minute to minute, to produce enough to consume to balance our budget.   Unbelievable.   That is not justice:   But he is in charge of our US Department of Justice at this time, blocking President Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee…..and blocking and obstructing and crushing the critical but uncountable, inalienable flows cycles logic synergy productivity of nature’s critical flows and cycles, air, O2, water, H2O, topsoil, green to produce enough critical flows for us to consume, to consume enough to produce to balance nature’s budget enough for us to balance ours.

America, stand with Native Americans now, the Sioux nation to hold the cash-driven fossil fuel industry accountable, Energy Transfer, Dakota Access LLC, Exxon and other fossil fuel industries accountable for the deadly consequences of fossilized lies and crimes against humanity,  against nature, against life, against earth’s ability to grow upwards toward light of our sun to produce enough to consume and to consume enough to produce to survive enough to thrive now and generations from now….obvious or not, counted in rates of cash or not….cashflow floods that crush us.


Thank you.

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