Monday, August 22, 2016

Young Persons Demand Constitutional Rights to Protect US from Climate Carbon Emissions 911: Win Historic Lawsuit brought by Fossil Fuel Industry Intervention

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the People tolerate the growth of private” (privatizing, deregulating, cost/risk-shifting) “power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic State itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism— ownership of government by an individual” (privatized forces such as global corporate CEOs that have become more powerful in terms of human cash than governments of many nations) “…. by a group or by any controlling private (privatizing) power" – FDR 1937

Pope Francis gets it.

We need our air and water and life cycles to keep us functional.

Our Kids get it.

So why don't some adult GOOPY Americans get it?  

Are they stuck in gooey petroleum, black tar?  

Tar babies.  

Fricken fracken.

Cash-driven Big Oil Texan Energy Transfer Dakota Access
Tarsands pipeline is not "necessary" or "convenient"....but dirty and deadly instead for Iowa and US and our common, shared, inalienable future as a whole.

The evidence has become overwhelming as scientists warn that carbon emissions are causing historic, rapid changes on earth, our 6th extinction....our melting Arctic/Greenland/Antarctica ......rapidly rising seas threatening major cities global.....massive migrations from lands no longer able to produce enough to consume....mass die off of species stuck in extreme and dangerous environments....our own Antrhopocene that humans have caused.

But some refuse to get it.   

The Iowa Utilities Board failed to clear the legal hurdles that the cash-driven Dakota Access LLC ramming a dirty tarsands pipeline through Iowa and America is "necessary" and "convenient"...for Iowa and US. ...but the Texan Energy Transfer Dakota Access scam rammed it through a so-called "approval" anyway in April 2016.....even though it violates our covenant with earth and life.

The IUB and DA have limited their counts to mechanical rates of private cash of by for a fossilized industry....crushing life in Iowa and our US.....of by for filling privatized bank accounts of by for only 1% with dirty oil our expense.....crushing the ability of nature to grow life on earth.

That is criminal....even though a cash-driven 1% still conspire to rewrite human books of human history, human science, human law to sell the immoral of by for privatized cash profiteering to fill private bank accounts now of by for only our expense.

IUB:  Protect life and land of Iowa and US...protect more than private bank accounts of a fossil fuel industry of by for only 1%:
Count more than cash.   Value the invaluable also to balance our budget

I spoke before the Iowa Utilities Board at the so-called "public hearing" in November 2015 to speak out to block the cash-driven Texan Energy Transfer tarsands invasion of Iowa, the Dakota Access dirty tarsands invasion through Iowa and other states that would cause "game over" in our war against Climate Armageddon, Climate 911 (McKibben, Rolling Stone 20xx).

The IUB failed to clear the legal hurdles that the dirty tarsands pipeline is "necessary" and "convenient"...for Iowa......and US:

I told them that...

The dirty tarsands invasion through Iowa and US was not "necessary" or "convenient" because ....

1) Solar energy could power all energy needs on earth x 11,000 (ETOM 2016) why are we wasting our public resources on a tarsands pipeline that is causing Climate 911?

2) Wind energy also could power all energy needs on earth .......and all energy needs in the US x 10 (AWEA 2015) why are we wasting our public resources on a deadly tarsands pipeline that is causing Climate 911?

3) Water and waves could also power all energy needs on earth numerous times (Inhabitant 2015) why are we wasting our precious public resources on a deadly tarsands pipeline that is causing Climate 911?

4) 100% Renewable Energy is 100% doable by 2050 ( 2016)....80% to 100% Renewable Energy is 80% to 100% possible by 2030 or before (IRENA 2015, 2015).....if the fossil fuel industry would help us transition now....or get out of the way.  

4) So why are the cash-driven IUB and Dakota Access LLC pushing a deadly tarsands pipeline through some of the best and productive topsoil in the world....that we need to feed the world?

5) So why are the cash-driven IUB and Dakota Access LLC pushing a dirty and deadly tarsands pipeline, refusing to wean Americans of our costly deadly addictions to fossilized dead energy and urban sprawl?

6) So why are the cash-driven IUB and Dakota Access LLC causing hell on earth?

7) So why are the cash-driven IUB and Dakota Access LLS refusing to grow heaven on earth instead?

8) So why are the cash-driven IUB and Dakota Access LLC crushing the ability of nature to grow and produce abundant riches to count to produce critical but uncountable flows, cycles, logic/genius of nature/resilience/adaptability/flexibility for life to survive, synergy of living organisms and community to grow positives enough for to lift humans up to light.....instead of pushing us down into hell?

The earth looks flat to me also when I get up....but I have the courage to reach beyond the cash-driven obvious/immediate/privatizing/linear walls and barriers and glittery cashflow floods that blind me.

                     The Iowa Utilites Board so-called "Approval" in April 2016 Illegal

Dakota Access failed to prove that the tarsands invasion is "necessary" and/or "convenient"....because all the comments I heard at the November 2015 made claims that were distorted and not true when analyzed in the context of climate change history:

Dakota Access "testimony" of so-called "union members" claimed erroneously that the Dakota Access tarsands pipeline through Iowa and US;

* so-called "union" persons most from out of state with orange shirts posed as workers that needed jobs and flooded the November 2015 "public hearing" ....but the counts of Iowans opposing the pipeline was more...the orange shirts shipped in from out of state claiming to be "union" workers.....even though Energy Transfer and Dakota Access likely conspire to crush worker unions....

* claimed that a tar sands pipeline would be "safer" than trucks or trains to haul tar sands....even though they were only contrasting this pipeline to the explosive, deadly and climate-disruption of "train bombs" and "truck bombs" on our public lands......causing spectacular explosions killing many in the last couple of years.....when they need to compare it as unacceptable risk instead

* claimed that the tar sands invasion would bring "jobs" to communities....but failed to acknowledge that most of the jobs would be to "clean up" the tarsands messes that will last for years and are impossible to "clean-up" a euphemism probably invented by ALEC of the GOP and fossil fuel industries to sell the immoral for private profiteering for only 1%......focusing only one cashflow floods to Dakota Access and underthetable kickbacks to Iowa "officials" who promise to destroy any evidence that dirties DA reputation....limits their definition of "economic" and "jobs" to only private, immediate, short-sighted, obvious, temporary worker cash that overloads public infrastructure such as schools, water systems, emergency services, roads without paying their fair share, cracking after the circus leaves....

* fails to account for economic "externalities" of 1) the destruction of some of the best and most productive topsoil in the world that we need to feed the world, Iowa's economic base being a leader in agriculture.....and replacing those values with get-rich-quick-schemes of snake-oil salesmen that have sold Iowa a very deadly and explosive our expense......2) the destruction of the integrity of our rural, agricultural fabric that has held our Iowa communities intact for generations....replacing it with a cash-driven, glittery, gooey get-rich-quick scam that only sticks us in oil.....causing hell on earth.....after the IUB refused the red-necked and cash-driven, cheap come-ons from the sleazy scum on the corner....3) will wreck public health, safety, well-being of Iowans because the fossil fuel industry has conspired to sell toxics to us for more than 35 years, more than 150 years, luring us into deadly totalitarian comfort and convenience of by for only one private self at all costs....throwing the risks and costs onto our own children's future, our own futures stupidly.........4)  will crush nature's ability to grow abundant riches to count + to grow and produce critical but uncountable flows cycles logic synergy productivity to keep our human cities alive day to day and minute to minute

* relies on 35 years, more than 150 years of bold, deadly lies that block access for the many to critical  public flows of critical public information and critical public resources that America needs to free America and our world from totalitarian lies and force crushing US

A cash-driven fossilized dirty energy industry has limited our counts to mechanical rates of human cash that crush life on earth....for more than 35 years, more than 150 years to cause our 6th Extinction....our own Anthropocene.....denying scientific facts to protect private cashflow floods for only 1%.

Have they forgotten what they're counting?   Has America limited it's counts to mechanical rates of cash of dead energy fossilized energy industries of only 1%, deadly cashflow floods that crush life on earth?

Fact:  Every living cell wants to grow upwards toward light to produce positives..
....but fossilized cashflow floods crush the ability of nature to grow upwards toward light

Every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole wants to reach up toward light of our sun to produce abundant riches to count in human to produce critical but hidden, uncountable flows cycles logic synergy productivity of productivity of positives to lift all up to light...critical but uncountable flows and cycles of of light, air, O2, water, H2O, topsoil, green to grow food and shelter to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to lift U

S up.....a fragile but critical web for all life lifting human civilization up out of the tar.

Fact:  Ironically

Human cash counts life the least, the deadly the most, crushing life

Ironically....our human cash system counts the most critical, most hidden flows and cycles for life, light, air, O2, water, H2O, topsoil, green, the least, inversely, ironically...and human cash counts the least critical stones and forces the most, the most deadly the most, bloody stones, dirty energy, dirty energy wars and lies.      

Ironically, human cash counts the most critical and hidden flow, O2 for animals the least, oxygen as fragile O2, O=O...even though humans die within minutes without O2......

Ironically, human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, water as H2O the next least, even though humans die within days without H2O.....

Ironically, human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, topsoil the next least....topsoil to grow green absorbent watersheds to grow food ....even though humans die within months without food......meaning that humans need nature to produce these critical but uncountable, hidden flows, cycles, potentials for productivity to survive.

A two-faced governor or IUB

Surprisingly, Republican Governor Branstad signed a US Governor's Clean Energy Accord several weeks before the illegal IUB "approval" to approve the dirtiest fuel on the planet to invade Iowa.....a "Clean Energy Accord "  for each state to commit to a clean energy future of renewables such as solar and wind and energy efficiency....the accord representing about 16 US governors and more than 40% of the US slash operating costs, to slash public health boost positive productivity and positive futures for states and our nation....while boosting our economy....

But the IUB "approval" slapped Governor Branstad in the face.

More than 35 years of dirty lies are killing US

Exxon and other fossil fuel industries....probably even Energy Transfer and the Koch Brohers knew more than 35 years ago that their carbon emissions into our shared climate would cause our climate to warm, to heat to cause significant change in our world....that dirty carbon into a clean climate of an ancient earth would interfere with the ability of life, living cells to process critical flows enough to produce enough to consume and to consume enough to produce enough to keep any economy alive day to day and minute to minute.

But Exxon et al chose instead to block and obstruct critical public flows of critical public information and critical public resources to keep our democracy alive, to hold our fragile web for all life intact.

Exxon et al chose instead to manufacture huge lies of monstrous molecules to destroy their own children's futures, their own nation's future, their own private futures stupidly.


Even though Exxon CEOs and others that manufactured Climate 911 that threatens the survival of life on earth will die soon, their children and life on earth are not responsible for causing our 6th extinction......Exxon et al ironically throwing the worst costs and consequences onto the most innocent the most.

Is that legal?

Only in a criminal legal system that limits our counts to mechanical rates of cash that crush life on earth.

Moral laws of reciprocity produce enough critical flows for the many diverse to the many diverse can produce enough to grow abundant riches to count, to share freely....and to produce enough critical flows cycles logic/genius synergy productivity exponentially to grow heaven on earth instead.

Why are we still rewarding those that choose to cause hell on earth?


Exxon knew more than 35 years ago that their carbon emissions would cause Climate 911. Hold them accountable: They need to stop obstructing access to a more positive future....and instead help their own children to grow heaven on earth instead, to

* leave the dinosaurs in the ground now to stop causing hell on earth

* shift now to a 100% Renewable Energy by 2050, 80 to 100% RE by 2030 or before.....100% doable if Exxon et al help us transition or get out of the way

* count more than cash that crushes life on earth to stop causing hell on 

* value the invaluable but uncountable potentials of all to grow heaven on earth instead

* harvest free, infinite supplies of RE to slash operating costs of any system....and to boost positive productivity exponentially of any system, cell or self or globe to free the self and many from want and fear

* green our cities and dying impermeable plant and protect green absorbent watersheds of native vegetation of deep roots to activate dying air cycles, to activate dying water cycles, to activate dying life cycles to grow heaven on earth instead

* stop blaming my god for hell humans cause

* open safe, affordable access to exponential productivity of open, aerobic systems of critical but uncountable flows cycles logic hidden genetic potentials/genius synergy of nature to reach freely up to light off our sun enough to produce positives enough to fill in hungry voids of the negative, to grow heaven on earth instead to lift all up to light

* balance nature's budget of produccting critical but uncountable flows cycles logic synergy productivity of light air water topsoil green food shelter laughter to grow heaven, enough to consume to free the many from want and balance human budgets of consumptive, limiting, negative private immediate obvious consumption of by for only one private self of only stop causing hell on earth


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